America Never Fought a Revolution nor a Civil War, and Why You Should Never Call For the Calvary

Chris takes a tumble, but we know what a great man he really was.

Points one and two, we can disagree.  But not on point three.

If you think revisionist history is something new, guess again. America has wrongly taught history for hundreds of years. Continue reading America Never Fought a Revolution nor a Civil War, and Why You Should Never Call For the Calvary

Joe Chi Minh: Black Business-Owners Supposedly Don’t Know How to Find Lawyers or Accountants

Help! I’m talking and I can’t shut-up!

Remember when Chinese Resident Jhou Xi-Den stumbled his way through “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids”?

Continue reading Joe Chi Minh: Black Business-Owners Supposedly Don’t Know How to Find Lawyers or Accountants