Peppermint Patti is not amused…
Month: September 2021
(VIDEO) Rep. Matt Gaetz DESTROYS Gen. Milley, SecDef Austin
Thank God for Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL). Finally… FINALLY someone from the House had the guts to rip directly in the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley as well as the current Secretary of Defense and ex-Army General Lloyd Austin.
For context, when Rep. Gaetz brought up Austin’s tour of duty as commander of CentCom, as the Washington Examiner noted;
A plan to train and equip 3,000 Syrian rebels to fight ISIS turned into a public relations nightmare.
The $500 million program produced a mere 52 fighters, some of whom were killed or captured by al Qaeda as soon as they returned to Syria.
In the meantime, if you’re anything like me, you’ll be cheering and applauding Rep. Gaetz as he dissects these two fail-ups with a chainsaw.
(VIDEO) Democrat Dung-Heap: Chicago Now Deploying “Bleeding Control” Kits City-Wide
America doesn’t have a gun violence problem… certain Democrat cities do. Of course, these islands of Third-World Shitholery end up making us all look bad.
Continue reading (VIDEO) Democrat Dung-Heap: Chicago Now Deploying “Bleeding Control” Kits City-Wide
(VIDEO) Florida Deputy Gunned-Downed: Sheriff Warns Populace of Thug, ‘Blow Him Out the Door’
During the course of a routine traffic stop, Deputy Sheriff Joshua Moyers, 29, of the Nassau County (Fla) Sheriff’s Office was gunned down by the driver, reportedly 35-year-old Patrick McDowell.
It’s also reported that McDowell is still on the run.
Here We Go Again: FBI Investigating Sexual Assault by Afghan Evacuees Against Female Soldier
Joe Biden bragged during the 2020 campaign that he would have the most transparent administration in US history. Nonetheless, Afghan refugee sexual crimes are taking an awful lot of time before hitting the press.
(VIDEO) Biden’s America: Afghan Refugees in Wisconsin Charged w/ Attempted Kiddie Rape, Strangling Woman
In the wake of Chinese Resident Chou Bia-Dung’s cut-and-run strategy during Operation Haul Ass, it certainly appears that the fears of many conservatives have certainly come true. Continue reading (VIDEO) Biden’s America: Afghan Refugees in Wisconsin Charged w/ Attempted Kiddie Rape, Strangling Woman
Just Like Honest Abe, Biden OPENLY Ignores the Supreme Court
Not since the complete and total ignoring of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney’s 1861 Ex parte Merryman by President Abraham Lincoln has an American Chief Executive been so flagrant in dismissing a Supreme Court ruling as Joe Biden. Continue reading Just Like Honest Abe, Biden OPENLY Ignores the Supreme Court
The Big Lie: Video PERFECTLY Describes Biden-Harris Fiasco
Remember when President Trump allocated permanent funding for HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities)? Essentially, President Trump saw no need for HBCU leadership to trek every year and basically beg for funding. Continue reading The Big Lie: Video PERFECTLY Describes Biden-Harris Fiasco
(VIDEO) Two PAINFULLY SIMPLE Questions for Chairman Biden: When Is *Enough is Enough*, and What Science are You Basing Your COVID Mandate On?