Seriously, you have to just think for a moment or two before you can realize just how disgusting and overreaching this headline really is.
Uniformed soldiers are in your public schools and they certainly aren’t recruiters.
Oh, but it doesn’t end there. That RINO of a governor has also ordered National Guard troops to work in the state’s Department of Corrections.
Interestingly enough, even the official website of the Department of Justice clearly cites that under the Posse Comitatus Act, troops can only be used in law enforcement “except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress.”
Hmmm… ensuring convicts serve their just sentence sure sounds like law enforcement to me.
But only in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts could this level of insanity be considered even close to normal.
Here’s the news from the Associated Press, via Boston.com (emphasis mine);
Gov. Charlie Baker activated up to 450 members of the Massachusetts National Guard on Tuesday to help deal with COVID-19 challenges facing the state.
Up to 200 guard members will aid in COVID-19 testing in schools throughout the state and up to 250 members will be available to offset potential staff shortages at the state Department of Correction due to a vaccine mandate.
More than 2,200 schools have currently signed up to participate in at least one of three types of COVID-19 testing: test and stay, symptomatic testing, and pooled testing, which allows schools to test samples in batches and then individually if COVID-19 is detected in the pooled batch.
Since the beginning of the school year, results from pooled testing show pool positivity rates of less than 1%, and test and stay — which is used to test close contacts.
In light that I’m likely to follow the science, in more than 2,200 schools, the positivity rates are LESS than one percent, why in the hell is that idiot governor literally calling out the National Guard?