He’s done it again. Goofy Joe gave us another example of the Kabuki Theater that is the Lefticrat Party. Kind of like Hillary Clinton’s faked *sigh* she instead read off her teleprompter instead of actually giving a sigh on cue.
Anyhow, while reading off of his notes, Biden was giving a supposed farewell to someone he allegedly “respected”, the late Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kansas).
Yet as Biden was reading off of his notes, one can’t get the feeling that just maybe his heart wasn’t really into it.
As most government messages print at the end of the same, the words “End of Message” is usually typed at the very end. Obviously, that’s the case of Biden’s notes read at Se, Dole’s eulogy.
Yeah… tell us again Joe how much you “respected” Bob Dole. (Sarcasm off.)