Survivability Rate of 99.9847% — The Big (Democrat) Lie: The Omicron Variant is a Killer

Here we go again. The Lefticrats as well as the Leftie Ministry of Propaganda are doing their level best to scare the living hell out of everyone over a case of the sniffles.

By now, everyone is already aware of a poor soul from the Houston, Texas area who passed away with a case of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus.

Here’re just a handful of media overreactions (emphasis mine);

  • Newsweek – “The first confirmed death from the Omicron variant in the U.S. was a reinfection, serving as a warning to people who have already had COVID-19.”
  • Yahoo News – “The first confirmed death in the U.S. from the Omicron variant was reported in Texas’ Harris County on Monday.”
  • WQAD (ABC affiliate) Moline, Illinois – “After warnings of an omicron surge over the holidays, Harris County has reported its first death caused by the omicron variant of COVID-19.”

Has anyone else noticed a common theme to all three articles?

Yep… the Omicron variant sure was cited as the cause of death.

Never mind that we’ve all known for weeks that Omicron was the weakest of the variants. At worst, Omicron causes body aches, a mild headache and maybe even a bit of a scratchy throat.

Interestingly enough, the Harris County (Texas) Office of Public Health has but a mysterious explanation of the specifics behind the actual cause of death of the unnamed individual in the Lone Star State (emphasis mine);

The death reported this afternoon was of a man between the ages of 50-60 years old who was unvaccinated and had been infected with COVID-19 previously. The individual was at higher risk of severe complications from COVID-19 due to his unvaccinated status and had underlying health conditions.

I really do hate to sound like a broken record, but what exactly were the “underlying health conditions”?

Did he have Stage-4 cancer, advanced emphysema, morbid obesity, end-stage diabetes? All four?

Just give us the facts… ALL the facts.

Failure to do so will result in only furthering the conspiracy theory that the final variant is simply full-blown Communism.

By the way, Newsweek is citing the CDC in reporting that between 12-18 December, 650,000 tested positive for the Omicron variant.

Obviously, Omicron is being blamed for a singular death in the United States. So how did I come up with the survivability number I cited in the headline of this article?

One is out of 650,000, simply divide one by 650,000. Then multiply the result by 100. So, one is out of 650,000 = 1/650000 x 100 = 0.00015384615384615%.

That means that the survivability rate of someone WITH Omicron and possibly other co-morbidities is 99.9847 percent.

Golly, still think this is really about a virus?

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