(Video) BOOM! American Conservative Culture Finally Swinging Back

So happy and cheerful.

Today has been one helluva fruitful day. First, I started my day as usual by watching my favorite YouTube duo, the husband-and-wife team of Brad and Lex (AKA: #CouchGang). By the way, they’re also my favorite Libertarians.

But with that aside, the second pleasant thing to happen was the Couch Gang introducing me to a pair of Rap/Hip-Hop performers by the names of Tom MacDonald and Adam Calhoun (video below).

Admittedly, I’m not much of a Rap fan, but the Canadian-born, now American ex-professional wrestler MacDonald is letting his hard-core anti-woke sentiments come to the surface.

Besides, Brad and Lex have never steered me wrong.

Take my word for it. When I say “hard-core anti-woke,” I mean “hard-core anti-woke.”

MacDonald’s lyrics not only gut-punched me (in the most pleasant sort-of way)… hell, I just might start following his music.

Anyhow, the third pleasant experience of the day was reading quite the body-blow of an article penned by Kevin Downey, Jr. of PJ Media entitled “Liberals Are Hateful, Science-Denying Commie Goons Who Hope You Die“.

Just a bit of this patently kick-ass article (emphasis mine);

I’m done praying for pinkos who want us dead. No more will I “meet them halfway.” They are the enemies of science and liberty. I hope Rachel Maddow steps on a Lego.

When it comes to the unvaxxed, the harpies on the left have turned their screech volume to 11 and are pumping up some weapons-grade hatred.

Bring it.

As Anne Quiner was battling Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids, Minn., struggling to keep her husband alive, liberal miscreants were leaving horrific messages on her voicemail.

“I hope you’re f——g husband dies a vegetable!”

“He should have taken the vaccine. I hope he dies.”

Charming stuff from the “party of tolerance.” Quiner was attacked online as well.

“My family told me not to even go on to Twitter because I didn’t want to read what they were writing about me,” Quiner remarked.

Then her husband’s doctor had to get a dig in, too. While Quiner was fighting the hospital to keep her husband, Scott, on a ventilator, Dr. Linda Soucie said to her, “After three years, I think we’ve gotten pretty good at determining who’s going to make it and who’s not, and unfortunately Scott’s in that range of the group that is not going to make it.” Soucie needlessly added, “Unfortunately, if we could turn back time and he had gotten the vaccine, then he wouldn’t be here.”

Would she tell the spouse of a fatty, “Your wife should have taken a walk and had a salad once in a while. Kiss her chubby ass goodbye”? I doubt it.

Oddly, I also can’t find evidence of a white lib lashing out at a black, unvaxxed person in a hospital with COVID-19. Remember, the lefty narrative is that only drooling white goobers in MAGA hats don’t want the vaccine, when everyone paying attention knows black folks are the least likely to bend their knees and raise their sleeves.

Quiner recorded the conversation and posted it to YouTube, but of course, they took it down. The hospital called her later and told her that Scott would be removed from the ventilator at noon on the following Thursday.

Long story short, Quiner made it onto the Stew Peters Show. Thousands of angry listeners called the hospital. Scott was transferred to another hospital and he is still alive.

The spit-rage Quiner faced while fighting for her husband’s life isn’t rare.

Dr. [Ed] Balbona claims he has used ivermectin and other medications to successfully treat “dozens and dozens” of COVID patients [further information on Dr. Balbone found here]. He has also been involved in lawsuits against Florida’s Mayo Clinic. Despite his success, hate-filled reprobates come after him as well.

“You should be embarrassed to practice medicine, to sue the Mayo Clinic to get horse medicine to a human being, because of internet garbage,” one crazy-train bellowed into Balbona’s voicemail.

“Your license should be revoked, you worthless piece of garbage,” another animal declared in another voicemail. “You are killing people, not helping them, and to harass the Mayo Clinic, because you are not good enough to be their doctor is disgusting. Disgusting. You and doctors like you should all be banned from society. Shame on you. Disgusting. Goodbye and good riddance. I hope you get COVID. Goodbye.”

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