Clear, Constitutional Plan; Vernon Jones Aims at Trump Presidency Within a Year

If Vernon Jones gets his way, President Trump will be back behind the desk of the Oval Office a helluva lot sooner that Jan. 20, 2025.

As a candidate for Georgia’s 10th Congressional District, if Jones wins a heavily contested GOP primary, he should be a lock in the solid red district.

As seen in the tweet below, Jones has made abundantly clear exactly what he plans on doing his first day as a US Congressman.

To be perfectly honest, I recently under the misconception that the Speaker MUST be an elected member of the House of Representatives. Boy, was I wrong.

As noted within Article 1, Section 2, Clause 5 of the US Constitution, it simply states;

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Nowhere in the COTUS does it state that the Speaker MUST be an elected representative.

Hmmm… does that mean that you, me, the guy next-door, who the hell ever can be elected to be the second-in-line to be the Commander-in-Chief? It would seem so.

Even the foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Trumpers over at CNN readily admit that one simply doesn’t have to be an elected member of the House to become the Speaker of the House (emphasis theirs);

But before we foreclose the idea of House Speaker Donald Trump in 2023, let me remind you that the speaker does not have to be an elected member of Congress. It can be anyone who a majority of House members choose.

Jones’ campaign website can be found here.

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