There’s woke, there’s blowing things out of proportion, then there’s TDS. What happens when all three meet and are magnified by 10 is pretty much what happened in the Canadian House of Commons.
Liberal Party Member of Parliament Ya’are Saks has quite the history of referring to the Canadian truck drivers who’ve participated in the Freedom Convoy as white supremacists and racists, conveniently forgets that many of the same truckers are either Sikhs or Canadian “First Nations” Indians.
None of those inconvenient fact really matter to Saks, especially in light that this gal actually went off the deep-end in Parliament just a few short days ago.
Specifically stating (emphasis mine);
Madam Speaker, I have heard the words of my colleague on the other side of the floor, so I have a few questions. As a Jewish member of Parliament and a descendant of survivors of the Holocaust, as well, I, like many Canadians, was shocked to see Nazi and Confederate flags. I was dismayed and angry and hurt, horribly hurt.
So how many Nazi flags does it take? How many donors from the Capitol riots — it’s 1,100 and counting who have donated to these illegal blockades — [does it take?]. How many guns need to be seized?
How much vitriol do we have to see of “honk honk” — which is an acronym for “Heil Hitler” — do we need to see by these protesters on social media?
How much, how many times do we have to see clear indicators that what is out there is not about the hard two years that every Canadian has suffered?
This is about something much deeper and darker and uglier that is threatening the stability of this House, the work that we do as legislators each and every day for our constituents, and the democracy that we have to uphold.
When will it be an emergency for you and your colleagues across the floor?
Declaring a national emergency due to a peaceful protest… then tracking those “guilty” of contributing to the same?
I think we all see who the real Nazi is.