Back in the days of me being in a combat zone, whenever someone received a carton of smokes from home, we Nicotine addicts would burn through those ‘Boros just as fast as we could.
Probably because Marines specialize in gallows humor, we’d all joked, “Lung cancer is the LAST problem on my mind.”
Yeah… we all knew that lung cancer is actually a slow and fairly agonizing death.
But hey, we were young and there were certain individuals in our immediate orbit who were already quite desirous in their strong urge to dispatch us with extreme prejudice… posthaste (AKA: “The Enemy“).
If anything, we had our priorities straight.
Somewhat on the same line of thinking; there are some that REALLY have their priorities and mindsets so completely TARFUed , any move to un-BOHICA themselves would just end-up in a state of futility due to doing that same stupidity, just at a slightly higher state of difficulty.
Everything would simply be still a SUSFU. The only things changed would be the self-imposed fuckup-knots magically managed to tighten themselves up just a few torque pounds more.
There are some people who’ve taken their eye off the ball for a moment… then there are those who haven’t seen the ball since kick-off.
This chick here, she’s so screwed-up, she doesn’t even know what game she’s at.
Lot of people in Ukraine crowding together inside.
Only 35% of Ukrainians have been vaccinated. Less than 2% have been boosted.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 24, 2022