(VIDEO) Breaking the Myth That Conservatives Support Putin’s Naked Aggression in Ukraine

I’ve seen it, you’ve seen it, we’ve all seen it… the video clip from the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton podcast in which Pres. Donald Trump plainly stated that Vladimir Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine was “genius” and “savvy.”

Yet one wouldn’t know that if you get your information from Ряацфа-on-the-Hudson or the likes of das Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (both generically known as “The Establishment Media“).

According to the lapdog, compliant media, somehow, they interpreted Trump’s comments (see video below) as somehow “praising” the Russian president.

Honest to God, anyone with just a lick of common sense can tell that Trump was doing anything BUT praising Vladimir Putin.

In context, it’s glaringly obvious that Trump was referring to Putin as an evil genius. I fully understand the Left hates to admit it, but Putin totally played Biden and the entire West.

And yes, Putin IS an evil genius.

It wasn’t that long ago when the Russian Federation had naval officers housing their families on-board due to living conditions ashore being no better than a cross between shacks and pigsties.

As noted by the Associated Press back in 1996 (emphasis mine);

Moscow’s once-mighty fleet has fallen into a shocking level of disarray. Living conditions for sailors at the Baltic Sea port of Baltiisk, not far from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, paint a pathetic portrait of life in the Russian navy.

More than 80 warships have been brought to Baltiisk from the former Soviet bases in the now-independent Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.

The mothballed ships have become make-shift housing for dozens of officers and their families. They live below deck in cramped, squalid conditions.

Home, not so sweet home. Russian Navy in the 1990s.

This is what happened to senior officers; Командиры, Капитаны, Адмиралы (Commanders, Captains, Admirals).

I know this will piss-off the Establishment Media and the political Left, but Putin took the Russian military from being a mob of armed homeless people to a first-class player on the world stage.

Like it or not, Putin really is a genius (evil or otherwise) as well as politically savvy. After all, he just ran circles around Biden, NATO and the European leadership overall.

When it comes to the myth of all these “conservatives” who supposedly are in favor of Putin’s attack on Ukraine, I’m sure there are some.

I’m also equally sure that these folks exist, but they sure aren’t a majority or a large minority or even just a small minority. These people are a micro-minority.

In fact, the two most well-known proponents of Putin are ex-congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (a Trump-hating Democrat if there ever was one), and Tucker Carlson (whose star is quickly dimming over at Fox News).

But anyhow, if you should ever happen to get into a debate with one of these alleged pro-Putin “conservatives”, just ask them what the late, great Andrew Breitbart use to counter Lefties: “Prove it.”

Without fail, they’ll cite one or more of the following;

  • A Putin press release

  • The opinions of Tulsi Gabbard and/or Tucker Carlson

  • A tin-foil hat website that either cites zero sources or other tin-foil hat websites that cite zero sources

Again, without fail, the alleged pro-Putin “conservatives” will also throw in your face some of these truly Chamberlainian talking points;

  1. Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy shouldn’t threaten Russia by voicing his desires to both join NATO and acquire nuclear weapons

  2. Pres. Zelenskyy should accept the Russian annexation of Crimea and the pro-Putin eastern provinces

To both those talking points, I counter with;

  1. Since when does the sovereign nation of Ukraine need Moscow’s “permission” for a damn thing?

  2. This is the same gutlessness that the Western Powers used in the 1938 backstabbing of Czechoslovakia.  We all know how that turned out.

Speaking of Putin and Hitler, has anyone else noticed that Putin used the same tactic as Antifa?

When all else fails, call your enemy a Nazi.

In the meantime, there really is a legitimate crowdfunding source where we can donate directly to the Ukrainian Army (as reported by Forbes magazine and USA Today) the Come Back Alive foundation.

Come Back Alive specializes in donating non-lethal equipment such as NVGs (Night Vision Goggles) and FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) cameras to the Ukrainian armed forces.

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