I was jokingly going to ask if Joe Biden has been in a coma for the past year.
No… Biden hasn’t been comatose since the Establishment Media gleefully proclaimed his still questionable “victory” in the 2020 presidential election.
In true Swamp Creature arrogance, Biden is banking on his hoped-for stupidity of the American people.
In a rather bizarre and often incoherent speech before the Democrat Caucus of the US House of Representatives, Biden told blatant lie after blatant lie.
As reported by Charlie Spiering of Breitbart.com (emphasis mine);
President Joe Biden complained Friday he was “sick” of Americans blaming him for inflation instead of the coronavirus pandemic or Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“I’m sick of this stuff… The American people think the reason for inflation is the government spending more money,” Biden said angrily. “Simply. Not. True.”
“Democrats didn’t cause this problem. Vladimir Putin did,” Biden said, pointing to the latest inflation reports.
The President is suffering from terrible ratings on the economy due to his failure to address inflation.
Sixty-three percent of Americans disapprove of the president’s handling of the issue of inflation and rising prices, according to a recent poll, including 54 percent who strongly disapprove.
During his speech, Biden falsely blamed Putin’s invasion of Ukraine for causing gas prices to rise in 2022, starting in January.