It was during August of 2019 when billionaire Jeffery Epstein was found dead in his New York City jail cell, supposedly by suicide.
Never mind that all the coincidences claimed by the New York authorities pretty much have the same odds of any of us hitting a back-handed hole-in-one, winning the billion dollar lottery, and finally, the ability to actually shit Tiffany cuff links… all at the same time.
Interestingly enough, in December of 2020, French modeling agent and Epstein running buddy Jean-Luc Brunel found his 70-something-year-old ass in a Paris jail, coming as a surprise to no one, charged with the rape of under-aged girls.
Coincidentally, one month ago, Brunel was discovered dead in his cell… wait for it… by suicide.
But with all that aside, let’s keep in mind that it’s been nearly three-full-months since Epstein’s pimpette, Ghislaine Maxwell, was found guilty of multiple counts of “grooming” under-age girls for Epstein’s personal sex-slave stable.
As reported by Matt Agorist of RedWave.press, he reminds us that it’s been quite a while since Maxwell was found guilty, but still no follow-up arrests (emphasis mine);
Its been nearly three months since a jury found Ghislaine Maxwell guilty on 5 of the 6 counts of luring and grooming underage girls for sexual abuse by Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophile cohorts. Due to the nature of her charges, Maxwell could face a maximum sentence of 40 years in prison.
- Count 1: Conspiracy to entice a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts – maximum sentence of five years
- Count 2: Enticing a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts – maximum sentence of five years
- Count 3: Conspiracy to transport a minor with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity – maximum sentence of five years
- Count 4: Transporting a minor with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity – maximum sentence of 10 years
- Count 5: Conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of minors – maximum sentence of five years
- Count 6: Sex trafficking of minors – maximum sentence of 40 years
US District Judge Alison J. Nathan has stated that Maxwell will be sentenced on June 28 and we’ve heard nothing else since.
Despite the high profile nature of Maxwell’s conviction and the deep desire by those paying attention to see her customers held accountable, coverage of her situation in the mainstream media became non-existent. Instead, the talking heads went back to bashing their boogeymen to stoke divide. All the while, no one in the legacy media is asking the tough questions like “who the hell were her customers and why aren’t we going after them”?
In 2015, Gawker leaked an alleged copy of Maxwell’s black book which contained over 1,000 names of elite politicians, actors, and billionaires including Prince Andrew, Alec Baldwin, Tony Blair, and Michael Bloomberg. Donald Trump, Ted Kennedy, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, corrupt lawyer Alan Dershowitz, and scores of underage victims were all listed in this book as well and yet the case stops here with Maxwell’s conviction?
Prosecutors cited the book and the listing of the names of the girls as key evidence against Maxwell. “This book, Maxwell’s book, proves to you that Maxwell is guilty,” Assistant US attorney Alison Moe said during closing arguments.
But what about everyone else in it?!
I’m not accusing everyone in Maxwell’s address book of being a pedophile rapist simply because they’re in her address book, but Agorist does ask some pretty hard questions of the Establishment Media.
Namely, where the hell are they and why are they ignoring this?