In what be at least one of the more brazen illustrations of how certain so-called “Trans activists” consider themselves literally above the rules, if not completely untouchable.
Fourth-year medical student at Wake Forest University, Kychelle Del Rosario, complained that a certain patient who needed a blood draw “mocked her she/her pronoun badge,” as reported by Natasha Anderson of London’s the DailyMail.Com.
So, of course, Del Rosario took it upon herself to purposefully miss the vein during the first go ’round. Obviously, a second jab was needed.
How do we know that the med student in question did this purposefully? Simple… she bragged about it on-line. Specifically, on Twitter.
Even though the Daily Mail notes, “Since the tweet, Del Rosario has scrubbed her social media accounts,” thankfully they did a screen capture of her cyber confession (seen in the photo above).
As reporter Anderson also noted (emphasis mine);
Del Rosario has apparently deleted all social media accounts, except for her profile on LinkedIn.
According to the account, Del Rosario graduated in 2017 from the University of Virginia with a bachelor’s degree in cognitive science with concentrations in neuroscience and biology.
She was ‘aspiring to become a medical doctor.’
Her biography also indicated she worked as a Scribe for ScribeAmerica in several general pediatrics clinics through Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk, Virginia, as well as at two dental facilities.
DailyMail.com was unable to reach Del Rosario for comment.
Just me, but I wouldn’t want someone with her frame of mind anywhere near kids and/or sharp objects. Especially if those sharp objects go in your mouth. But that’s just me.
As far as she’s concerned, Del Rosario has taken it upon herself to become somewhat of an activist for the so-called “Trans community.”
Reported by Anderson; (emphasis mine);
Last year, she published an essay arguing against the so-called Bathroom Bill that sought to require individuals to use public restrooms corresponding to their gender assigned at birth.
She also shared how she was a leader for Safe Zone in Medicine, which she explained as being ‘an organization run by health care trainees whose goal is to educate health professionals about the needs and disparities in LGBTQ+ healthcare.’
‘This role prepares me to become a trustworthy doctor and advocate for the transgender community—a population which the medical field has harmed greatly in the past,’ she wrote in the March 2021 essay urging the Senate to protect trans health. ‘It also allows me to train other health care professionals who aim to improve their practice to be more welcoming and gender-affirming.’
She argued she was ‘outraged and disheartened’ by the ‘countless horrors’ trans patients experience in the health care system, alleging that many won’t seek medical care ‘due to fear of discrimination and mistreatment.’
OK, it’s already been proven that Del Rosario;
Wants to be a medical doctor
Has purposefully abused a patient
Bragged of the same on-line
Then deleted a rather large portion of her on-line presence
Is a self-appointed advocate to the so-called “Trans community”
Call me naïve, but I would think the disciplinary action/punishment meted out to Del Rosario would pretty much be a slam dunk.
Silly me… what was I thinking?
The Daily Mail also reported (emphasis mine);
The medical school acknowledged online that it was aware of the incident, saying: ‘This student’s tweet does not reflect how Wake Forest University School of Medicine treats patients and provides patient care. We are taking measures to address this with the student.’
It is unclear if any disciplinary action has been taken against Del Rosario, as the university did not immediately respond to DailyMail.com’s request for comment.
In other words, not a damn thing’s going to happen.
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