On the other side of the pond, London’s Daily Mail is by far my go-to news source. On this side, the New York Post is quickly shooting to the top when it comes to an American news service that doesn’t come off as just another branch of the DNC’s Ministry of Propaganda.
Reporter Jon Levin of the NY Post has just published quite a barn-burner of the latest escapades within Delaware’s most notorious crime family.
While Levin’s article is chock-full of a full payload of truth-bombs, one particular quote really stuck with me (emphasis mine);
Hunter Biden’s access to lucrative financial opportunities also came with expectations — including kicking back as much as 50% of his earnings to his dad, text messages on his old laptop show.
“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” Pop is Joe Biden.
What kind of sick, twisted family is this? A father speaking so nonchalantly to his own daughter in regards to the patriarch shaking-down his own son.
But don’t worry, Naomi… Daddy Hunter won’t strong-arm you like “Pop” does.
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