It was Nerd Prom Night at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner held at the DC Hilton last night. Without fail, the Establishment Media (to include Fox News) were out in force to blame Trump for everything wrong with the world.
Case in point: London’s the DailyMail.com notes that Slow Joe “called the Trump administration a ‘horrible plague'”, then pointed out why so many conservatives are tuning-out Fox News;
‘I know there are questions about whether we should gather here tonight because of COVID. Well, we’re here to show the country that we’re getting through this pandemic. Plus, everyone had to prove they’re fully vaccinated and boosted,’ he said. ‘Just contact your favorite Fox News reporter they’re all here vaccinated and boosted.’
But wait… there’s more.
Never mind that bonehead’s bow tie was just fine. He still had to screw with it, and in doing so knocked it cockeyed. How fitting he went through the rest of the dinner looking quite a bit like Bozo the Clown.
But here’s the real kicker; as host Trevor Noah cracked a rather lame and predictable joke (at the expense of the average American taxpayer), both Biden and his lapdog media howled with laughter.
His bow tie is America. It was just fine and, then, he tried to “fix it”.
— Lucy B Grossi (@cariocazz) May 1, 2022
well, everything but his approval rating anyway pic.twitter.com/DQi5ZQ8p4U
— Matt’s Idea Shop (@MattsIdeaShop) May 1, 2022