Leaving little to the imagination, the person who stands in line only behind Kamala Harris to be the President of the United States has made her theological thoughts and opinions VERY well known to the general public.
Well known for using the Holy Eucharist as little more than a political prop, the CINO Pelosi recently celebrated the House of Representatives passing the $700 billion Inflation Recovery Act.
Interestingly enough, half of the funds of this bill has absolutely nothing to do with fighting inflation.

Fully $350 million is earmarked for the Biden Administration’s textbook Fascist so-called “Green Agenda.”
Yes, I said Fascist. According to Fascist economic theory, private enterprise is allowable, but central government sets all the rules, sets all the quotas… basically Communism, but with extra steps.
Shouldn’t the likes of Duke Energy, Duracell and Tesla be the ones making the American power grid and the American consumers ready for the next generation non-fossil fuels? One would think.
Anyhow, as Julie Gunlock of Washington, DC’s WMAL hilariously insinuated, looks like Nancy is back to “Day drinking again”.
Or was DC-based attorney Aaron Walker opined with no small amount of sarcasm, “So literately faith based legislation”.
Day drinking again. https://t.co/n0aXZN1KQW
— Julie Gunlock (@JGunlock) August 13, 2022