(VIDEO) NY Mayor Orders Cops Not to ‘Congregate’ or Engage in ‘Unnecessary Conversation’

It still amazes me that anyone would still consider a career in law enforcement as a viable path for a considerable chunk of their adult life.
But in all fairness, if I were a 17-year-old here in 2022, there’d be no way in hell I would have joined the Marine Corps. I say that as someone who grew-up in a Navy family, then served 20-years in the Corps.
With that aside, I can’t help but be under the opinion that the average cop on the beat has more to worry about from their own alleged “leadership” than from common street thugs.
Prime example would be the current mayor of New York City, Eric Adams. For whatever bizarre reason, Adams is seen in the video below telling some NYPD honcho that two of New York’s Finest (who were seen at some distance from Adams) engaged in a conversation, that the two cops “… should not be congregating together.”
As if by magic, just 18 days after Adams voiced his disapproval of seeing two officers speaking to each other, higher headquarters at the NYPD deems that officers who “congregate” or take part in “unnecessary conversation” is now strictly verboten.
As reported by the New York Post (emphasis mine);

The NYPD released a memo ordering cops not to “congregate” or take part in “unnecessary conversation” with each other — just weeks after Mayor Eric Adams chastised officers on the street for chatting on the job, The Post has learned

The order dated Tuesday marks a revision to the patrol guide for officers and supervisors — instructing them to ensure cops aren’t gathering together.

“Do not congregate, or engage in unnecessary conversation, with other members of the service while on post, absent police necessity,” the order states, addressing police officers.

Reaction to the order was swift from the country’s largest police union — which quipped there wouldn’t be enough officers to congregate soon anyway because so many are quitting.

“The order is unnecessary,” Police Benevolent Association president Patrick Lynch said. “Pretty soon there won’t be enough cops left to congregate anywhere in the city, because these miserable working conditions and the low pay are forcing them to quit in droves.”

A Manhattan police officer with more than two decades on the job also bristled at the missive.

Worry about crime in the city and stop worrying about cops congregating,” the cop said. “Worry about your transit system and how it’s out of control. Worry about your shootings. Officers can’t even walk around their own neighborhood without getting their ass kicked.”

Giving that chewing gum a run for its money, Chief Clown Adams in what’s suppose to be a tuxedo.

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