Say what you will about privatized medicine, but at least we don’t have cancer patients on a 1,000-day waiting list.
But such is life under Britain’s National Health Service.
One of the other perks of the UK’s socialist medicine, no one has their own doctor. Everytime someone goes to the doctor, it’s a different MD every go ’round. Only those who shell out for private insurance knows what it’s like to see the same doc per visit.
As seen in the video below from Nigel Farage of GB News and the print article by reporters Richard Ashmore and Sam Elliot-Gibbs of London’s the Express, this is exactly what’s happening to 61-year-old Andrew Jones of Shropshire, England.
As noted by the Express;
By the time Andrew Jones, 61, is allowed to attend the medical facility it will be almost time for the next World Cup.
A cancer-battling granddad has been left flabbergasted after being told he must wait three years for a hospital appointment. Andrew Jones, 61, won’t be allowed to attend the medical facility until it’s almost time for the next World Cup in North America.
The granddad from Bridgnorth, Shrops, will have to wait until June 2025 before he can go for a check up at Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, the Express and Star reports.
Mr Jones thought there was a mistake on the letter he received on Saturday but was horrified to discover his appointment is correct, leaving him with nearly 1,000 days to wait.
His confirmation arrived days after a 16-year-old boy was told he wouldn’t been seen for 950-days for his “urgent” NHS appointment for a urology-related problem.
He told the Express and Star: “It is beyond belief really, I knew the NHS is in a state but I did not think it was that bad.
NHS falling apart. https://t.co/YQppbOB42y
— Kevin Whiteman (@KWhitemanUSMC) November 25, 2022