(VIDEO) Yet Another Joe Biden Lie: The Purple Heart that was Never Awarded

I’ve asked before if it ever ends with this guy? Apparently not.
His latest is Creepy Joe telling of his days as Obama’s vice president when at the request from Joe Biden, Sr., the then-VP presented his Uncle Frank a supposed Purple Heart medal that Frank Biden was never awarded for wounds received during World War II’s Battle of the Bulge.
Biden’s retelling is with all the emotions and Body English can only possibly be given by a shit-filled phony son of a bitch that actually believes his own fairy tales.
Supposedly taking place sometime after being sworn-in on Jan. 20, 2009, Biden somehow forgets that it would have been humanly impossible for Biden, Sr. to request Biden, Jr. to award Uncle Frank the Purple Heart.
Simply because both Daddy Biden and Uncle Frank were both dead when Slow Joe was sworn-in.
According to The Baltimore Sun, they note that Joe Biden, Sr. passed away on Sept. 2, 2002.
Furthermore, Newspapers.com cites Frank Biden’s obituary on Nov. 28, 1999.
Keep in mind that Frank Biden’s obit noted simply that he was “an Army veteran of WWII.” Also shown at FindAGrave.com, the memorial plaque plainly states the resting spot of Tech Sgt Frank Biden. By tradition, personal awards (Medal of Honor, Silver Star, Purple Heart, etc.) are usually cited on headstones or burial placards.
Managing to make a bullshit story even worse, there is no Frank H. Biden listed on the Purple Heart Hall of Honor website.
Back to present day, also seen in the video below, Biden told the assembled veterans that Uncle Frank refused the award, supposedly stating, “I don’t want the damn thing” due to so many other Americans killed during the war.
Leave it to this mush-brain. He managed to insult and cheapen every Purple Heart recipient, both living and dead.

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