As we all sadly remember, when Biden ran from Afghanistan just as fast as he could, not only did he abandon $85 billion worth of some of America’s newest and most advanced military equipment, but he’s also managed to drag back to the States a whopping 50,000 Afghans.
Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority were military-age men who were also overwhelmingly unvetted.
Nonetheless, Biden’s Great Unwashed somehow became the responsibility of the US Armed Forces.
In a recent report by the Inspector General for the Department of Defense, the Biden 50K have managed to again be a thorn in the side of the American taxpayer.
As seen in the table below, eight total bases, forts and stations were tapped to house and process the great multitude.
Sadly, Joe’s Guests managed to inflict $506 million worth of destruction, damage and defecation on the same military facilities they lived in. That comes to $10,124 worth of repairs per individual.
While the US Army took the brunt of the of both in number and cost of repairs and renovation, just one example is pretty much the same across the board;
Fort McCoy reported that all of the barracks needed repairs or replacement of walls, ceilings, floors, doors, bathrooms, plumbing, electrical systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems, and exterior siding.
However, it was undoubtedly the Air Force who was the most brutally honest;
The Air Force reported damages, such as tents and cots that were broken, stained with spray-paint, or contaminated with human biological matter.
For those who don’t know what “human biological matter” is, they mean shit.