(VIDEO) Trump Slams ‘Pink Haired Communists Teaching Our Kids’; Four Common Sense Moves to Fix Public Education

Yes, this thing WAS a kindergarten teacher. (https://metro.co.uk/2020/09/28/teacher-loses-job-because-his-tattoos-and-black-eyes-scare-children-13339638/)

The President Trump of 2016 is back… and with a righteous vengeance.

In a press release and accompanying video (seen below) released on Friday, Jan. 27, President Trump lists four, realistic and common-sense proposals for saving the American public school system.

Suffice it to say that our favorite president will SERVERELY piss-off the Teacher’s Union. I can almost see the frothing’s of their mouths as I type this.

Keep in mind, the Teacher’s Union could give a damn less about students. Their entire purpose in life is to protect the teachers… even those who are incompetent, lazy or leftie agenda driven.

Anyhow, here are four specifics Pres. Trump has proposed;

  • Abolish teacher tenure for grades K-12, and instead adopt merit pay
  • Drastically cut the bloated number of school administrators
  • Adopt a parental bill of rights that includes complete curriculum transparency and school choice
  • The direct election of principals by parents

The only thing I wish the president would added, not just reign-in the Department of Education… abolish that particular section of The Swamp permanently.

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