(VIDEO) A ‘Catholic Waco’ on the Horizon? FBI Surveilling ‘Radical’ Latin Mass Catholics
This is my Rosary. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Most of you remember back in 1995 when federal agents (ATF and FBI) attacked the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. An off-shoot of the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Branch Davidians were led by their faux-messianic leader, David Koresh.
The reasons the feds gave for assaulting the compound were allegations from either ex-Branch Davidians and/or people who simply didn’t like Koresh of allegations that boiled down to accusations of polygamy, statutory rape and vague suspicions of being in possession of illegal firearms (in TEXAS?)
“… including 22 children.”
We’ll probably never really know if any of the charges are true. That’s because the ATF and the FBI killed nearly all of them. As noted by PBS, “80 Branch Davidians, including 22 children… died in the fire on April 19.”
In less polite language, they were roasted to death.
On a personal note, I certainly don’t agree with much of Koresh’s theology. In the spirit of full disclosure, I’m one of those Rad-Trads that Father Limpwrist and Sister Mary Social Justice over at Sts. Fidel and Che worship community warned you about.
One other thought on Koresh and the Branch Davidians; if Koresh was all that dangerous, why didn’t they just arrest him on one of his many trips into Waco and other towns and hamlets in eastern Texas?
With that aside, ex-FBI Special Agent turned whistleblower Kyle Seraphin has made public certain documents from the Richmond, Virginia, FBI Office plainly stating that Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass had best keep their collective heads on a swivel.
Staunch defender of Traditional Catholics everywhere, H.E. Robert Cardinal Sarah of Guinea in West Equitorial Africa.
A document released by an FBI whistleblower indicates the agency plans to intensify its “assessment” and “mitigation” of “Radical Traditionalist Catholics” over the next 12 to 24 months due to alleged concerns that “white nationalists” are increasingly making common cause online with attendees of the Latin Mass.
The bombshell 8-page memo was released by former FBI agent turned whistleblower Kyle Seraphin on Uncovered DC Wednesday. The report, written by an FBI analyst in Richmond, Virginia, was published for internal agency use only on January 23, is titled, “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.”
A threat to democracy.
Seraphin describes the briefing as an “intelligence product” that, though not being exhaustive, can be used as an initial reference point for the agency to “prop up” future investigations on the subject. He says he obtained the document from an anonymous Baptist employee for the agency.
It doesn’t end there.
If you thought the FBI using the fraudulent Steele Dossier was the height of the feds using fake “proof” to illegally spy on American citizens, as they used to say in the old days… “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
Of all the garbage sources the FBI could have used target Catholics who worship in the usus antiquior, they use anti-Catholic propaganda from the reliably hard-leftist Southern Poverty Law Center.
Enemies of the state.
Again, as noted by reporter Kokx;
Among the most controversial aspects of the memo is that it directly cites a defamatory study conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) on the subject “Radical Traditional Catholicism.” The SPLC has long been rejected as a legitimate resource for the FBI, Seraphin says, but in this instance, it is being relied on as a primary source to justify its efforts. The memo also references three anti-Catholic smear articles (here, here, and here) published by leftwing websites Salon and The Atlantic to defend its monitoring.
In general, the report shows an above average understanding of the various pro-Latin Mass communities in the church, including the Fraternal Society of St. Peter, the Priestly Society of St. Pius X, the SSPX “Resistance” as well as sedevacantist groups. It notes that the FSSP and SSPX have “houses of worship” in the Richmond area. It also says other FBI investigations, local law enforcement reports, and un-named liaisons have helped compile its findings – an indication that persons familiar with these communities have been in touch with intelligence officials.
Speaking strictly for myself, whoever that “anonymous Baptist employee” was who passed this info on to Seraphin, please know I’ll remember you tomorrow when I say my Rosary.
As promised, the @FBIRichmond office pushing for source recruiting in the Catholic Church in order to mitigate #WhiteSupremacy on the advice of the Leftist and out of FBI Policy @splcenter “hate watch” activists.