You’d think Nikki Haley could have finished her speech before dropping her first lie. Guess not.
As we all know by now, she’s just announced her run at winning the 2024 Republican nomination for the presidency.
Let’s play a game of “Spot the Lie.” As seen in the video below, Haley rattles off a brief thumbnail of her resume;
- The daughter of immigrants
- The proud wife of a combat veteran
- The mom of two amazing children
- Governor of the great state of South Carolina
- America’s ambassador to the United Nations
Proof that the Army needs SlimFast MREs.
She failed to note that she stabbed President Trump in the back when she very openly stated “We shouldn’t have followed him” as well as “We can’t let that ever happen again.”
By the way, this was AFTER President Trump adhered to the Constitution. Specifically, ensuring the peaceful transition of power.
Anyhow, back to the topic at hand. I like to drop a few hints to assist the reader in their decision-making process.
First of all, the US Army has a long and illustrious history of recognizing actual combat vets with the honor of wearing the CIB (Combat Infantry Badge).
Likewise, the US Army also recognizes their Combat Medics with the CMB (Combat Medical Badge).
Unfortunately, the US Army had ignored recognizing combatants who were never designated as Infantrymen, Special Forces or Combat Medics.

Finally in 2005, the Army formally recognized Artillerymen, Tankers, Combat Engineers… and yes, even Army cooks, supply clerks and truck drivers with the CAB (Combat Action Badge) if and when engaged in actual battle.
Note in the photo above that Major Haley is correctly sporting the Afghanistan Campaign ribbon as well as (questionably awarded) Bronze Star and the Army Commendation ribbons (both minus the Combat “V”).
Yet, for whatever odd reason, nowhere on his uniform do we see the CAB. Strange, huh?
If for no other reason than I want to, note that then-Captain Haley deployed to The ‘Stan as a member of the South Carolina Army National Guard’s 3/49 Agribusiness Development Team. But now that I take a second look at that picture of him, the more I’m convinced he was attached to Meal Team Six.
Golly gee, if I knew that I could be awarded the Bronze Star Medal for teaching neo-Stone Age hunter/gatherers how to dig an irrigation ditch, I might have joined the Army instead of the Marine Corps.
Venerable Capodanno, ora pro nobis.