‘You Just Lied’: The Entire Interview; Elon Musk Destroys BBC’s Leftie ‘Technology’ Reporter

Humiliating the lying Left.

Unfortunately, most Americans are only getting 10-second soundbites of the dissection of the BBC’s so-called “Technology Reporter,” James Clayton.

Laughingly, Clayton was just sliced and diced by Elon Musk. The richest man in the world shows why he’s not a man to be taken lightly.

As usual, it was painfully obvious that Clayton failed to do any research or prep prior to interviewing Musk, who left the alleged “reporter” stuttering and floundering in embarrassingly long moments of silence.

Sorry, dude. Smug liberalism doesn’t replace the sometimes painful world of reality.

It’s at the 19:20 mark is where Musk starts to completely shred this guy.


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