Fox News Channel has dumped the likes of Bill O’Reilly, Andrea Tantaros, Dick Morris, Stacey Dash, Dan Bongino, Bo Dietl, etc. The list goes on.
Each and every one of those people are staunch conservatives, their conservative street cred is beyond reproach.
I’m not catching anyone by surprise when I say that with Tucker Carlson gone, who will be the standard bearer for the conservative/libertarian movement at FNC?
I have no idea who should fill the bill at that particular network. But I’ll tell you who it shouldn’t be; Sean Hannity.
Knowing full well that marriages break-up, that stain on the Sacrament of Marriage has pretty much been right in line with God being evicted from the public square. I can’t think of any extended family where divorce hasn’t reared its ugly head.
But don’t tell me that a “good conservative” abandons his Church, his wife of 26 years, his own children, for another FNC talking head 15-years his junior.

What happens in Sean Hannity’s private life is his business. But dude, just buy a Corvette or a Harley if you’re going through a mid-life crisis.
But I gotta tell ya, what sticks in my craw regarding Hannity can be seen in the videos below.
First, we see a Hannity clip from sometime around 2005, give or take a year or so either way.
In the video in question, Hannity promises he’ll undergo ‘waterboarding’ just as long as the event is done for a charity to help the families if troops WIA or KIA.
Suffice it to say, he never followed through. It was then that I lost all respect for him.
The second video shows him at Politicon held in Nashville in 2019. When called out, Hannity squirms. He actually doubled-down and tried to insult the individual who punked him.
How gutless.
I’m tired of Hannity’s non-stop bringing up what a martial arts badass he claims to be. Fed-up with the whole phony tough guy publicity headshots.
Hey, jackass… looking tough and being tough are two totally different beasts.
I have zero respect for this punk wannabe badass.