As just about everyone already knows, certain so-called economic experts and consultants have told the official California Reparations Task Force that the state payout would cost a mere $800 billion (sarcasm, off) as reported by Janie Har of Sacramento’s KCRA.
Interestingly enough, Har mentioned only one person of these purported experts and consultants. That’s right… only one, Thomas Craemer, a public policy professor at the University of Connecticut.
What, is California suddenly all out of ultra-lefty professors?
With that aside, the same folks who’ve received trillions in government housing, government payments for groceries and utilities, affirmative action hiring (thanks for nothing, Nixon), race-based government contracts awarded, preferential admissions to various government universities, etc., are now bitching about how people who never owned slaves should have the government take money from them to give to folks who never were slaves.
But here are some little known historical truths that gubmint skoolz fail to teach;
The openly Afro-centric notes that “In 1830, the year most carefully studied by Carter G. Woodson, about 13.7 percent (319,599) of the black population was free. Of these, 3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves…”
The very same article along with an equally Afro-centric piece notes that the first government in North America to commission black men as military officers was the Confederate States of America.
Specifically, the 1st Louisiana Native Guard. Also noted, “a committee of ten prominent New Orleans free blacks called a meeting at the city’s Catholic Institute on April 22 to pledge their loyalty to the Confederate cause. About 2,000 people attended the meeting including 1,500 free blacks who signed a militia muster roll.” cites that while the regimental officers were white, the company officers were black. It’s reasonable to assume that the officer ranks of Captain, 1st Lieutenant and 2d Lieutenant were held by blacks.

Worthy of note that the highest rank attained by the racially segregated “Colored Troops” of the US Army was that of Sergeant Major.
Often overlooked is the XIII Amendment of the Constitution. Keep in mind that not only were all the slaves freed from bondage, so were all the indentured servants (AKA: “Bond Slaves”). You know, all those Irish, English, Welsh, Scots, Germans, etc., who owed “X” amount of years of their lives to the men whom they were indebted to.
Keep in mind that there were cases of bond slaves who never saw their freedom due to the exorbitant interest owed on the initial debt. There were even cases of generational indentured servitude. If a bond slave died before paying off the debt, it wasn’t uncommon for the eldest son being forced to assume the father’s debt/indentured servitude. also correctly cites, “And for a time, free black people could even “own” the services of white indentured servants in Virginia as well.”
By the way, during the War Between the States, more than a few white bond slaves were sent by their owners to take their places during the National Draft.
Speaking as someone whose Great-Great-Grandfather was enlisted into the 98th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment at the age of 44, I find that a bit shady.
Especially in light that the average life expectancy in 1865 was a mere 35.1-years-old. Why would a guy well past his sell-by date join the Union Army? I have the distinct impression that someone owned paper on GG-Grandpa Nicholas.
Now let’s take a look at the Confederate Monument at Arlington National Cemetery. Posted on the official website for the Sons of Confederate Veterans;
The first military monument in the US Capitol that honors an African-American soldier is the Confederate monument at Arlington National cemetery. The monument was designed 1914 by Moses Ezekiel, a Jewish Confederate, who wanted to correctly portray the “racial makeup” in the Confederate Army. A black Confederate soldier is depicted marching in step with white Confederate soldiers.
Also shown is one “white soldier giving his child to a black woman for protection”. – Source: Edward Smith, African American professor at the American University, Washington DC.
I’d also like to know when the nations of Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, etc., are going to start making reparations payments? After all, wasn’t it their ancestors who sold their own people to those evil Europeans?
That reminds me, when is that statue of that slave owning, pedophile rapist going to be torn down?
No, not Thomas Jefferson… I mean Shaka Zulu.