(VIDEO) The Godfather Strikes: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Thrown-Off of Biden’s National Advisory Board

Well, I guess Eric Adams ain’t black anymore. Naughty, naught, Eric. You should have known better than to publicly call out Joe Biden for the current dumpster fire taking place at the US-Mexico border.

There was a time when Adams was considered a “Biden surrogate” when he was named on a very short list of those on Biden’s NAB (National Advisory Board).

The 50 prominent Democrats named last March to the NAB are those who’ll hit the 2024 campaign trail for Team Biden while Joe sticks to his grueling nap schedule.

Interestingly enough, it was the hard-core lefty Politico.com that broke the news of Adams getting the boot;

Adams is among several lawmakers who were initially named to the president’s National Advisory Board in March but no longer appear on a roster of 50 prominent Democrats released by the campaign Wednesday…

The outspoken mayor of the nation’s largest city has in recent weeks pointedly criticized Biden over the White House’s response to the asylum-seeker crisis. New York City has projected billions of dollars in costs to provide shelter, food and other services to over 60,000 migrants. Adams has called for more funding from the federal government, an organized resettlement strategy at the border and expedited work permits to help him manage the influx.

I realize that there us a lot of truth to the old saying, “A liberal is just someone who hasn’t been a victim… yet.”

For those who are under the impression that Adams is finally coming to the understanding that Democrats really are the problem, don’t get too excited.

Adams still blames the Republicans;

And as the expiration of a key border policy set for later this week grew closer, Adams amped up his rhetoric, most recently lumping the sitting Democratic president in the same boat with the congressional Republicans.

“It is not about the asylum-seekers and migrants, all of us came from somewhere to pursue the American Dream,” he said last week. “It is the irresponsibility of the Republican Party in Washington for refusing to do real immigration reform, and it’s the irresponsibility of the White House for not addressing this problem.”

But when we get right down to it, the core of the problem for Adams are his own words.

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