Roll Call By Name Votes: RINOs Keep Adam Schiff in Office

The GOP had the votes to HAMMER Schiff, but…

We all remember Adam Schiff literally lying to the American people in regard to him having evidence against President Trump in the proven-fake Russian Collussion scandal.

It took a newly elected member of the House of Representatives to figuratively have the ‘nads to actually do something about it.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL-13) is the congresswoman who introduced House Resolution 489, which if passed, would not only see Schiff censured from the House, but would also fine him $16 million.

Among some of the specifications of Luna’s resolution;

Whereas for years Representative Schiff abused this trust by citing evidence of collusion that—as is clear from reports by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and Special Counsel Durham—does not exist;

Whereas, by repeatedly telling these falsehoods, Representative Schiff purposely deceived his Committee, Congress, and the American people;

Whereas Representative Schiff lent credibility to the Steele dossier—a collection of debunked collusion accusations funded by President Trump’s political rivals—by reading false Steele allegations into the Congressional Record at a HPSCI hearing on March 20, 2017;

Whereas as part of his impeachment efforts, during an HPSCI hearing on September 26, 2019, Representative Schiff recited a false, concocted rendition of a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky;

Not ending with just censure, Paulina also sought;

Whereas the American taxpayers paid $32 million to fund the investigation into collusion that was launched as a result of Representative Schiff’s lies, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information; and

Congrats to the people of Florida. You officially have the hottest member of Congress… ever.

Whereas if it is determined by an investigation conducted by the Committee on Ethics that Representative Schiff lied, made misrepresentations, and abused sensitive information, he should be fined in the amount of $16,000,000: Now, therefore, be it.

To their credit, 10 other GOP’ers co-sponsored Luna’s resolution:

  • Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1]
  • Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]
  • Rep. Moore, Barry [R-AL-2]
  • Rep. Hern, Kevin [R-OK-1]
  • Rep. Burlison, Eric [R-MO-7]
  • Rep. Hageman, Harriet M. [R-WY-At Large]
  • Rep. Norman, Ralph [R-SC-5]
  • Rep. Langworthy, Nicholas A. [R-NY-23]
  • Rep. Garcia, Mike [R-CA-27]
  • Rep. Luttrell, Morgan [R-TX-8]

However, to their discredit, 25 RINOs either voted WITH Schiff (Yeas) and the Democrats or wussied-out and simply voted “present” in today’s vote to “table” (throw out) the resolution.

Three alleged Republicans didn’t even bother to show-up for the vote.

The vote totals for today is as follows (Clerk of the House);

Is a phone call to you representative in your near future?


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