(VIDEO) Dems Say the Silent Part Out-Loud: ‘[Trump] Needs to be Shot’

Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands).

Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) just so happens to be the Democrat Party’s Ranking Member of the US House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. She also REALLY screwed-up during her recent appearance on MSNBC. Continue reading (VIDEO) Dems Say the Silent Part Out-Loud: ‘[Trump] Needs to be Shot’

(VIDEO) Well, You Don’t See That Everyday: Little League Triple in the Bigs

Yes, I’m a Padres fan. One of the few east of the Mississippi. Wait… who am I kidding? One of the few east of the Colorado River.

But there was a play today that I have to share with the world. Continue reading (VIDEO) Well, You Don’t See That Everyday: Little League Triple in the Bigs

(VIDEO) That’s It – I’m Now Officially Calling This Elder Abuse

Which way do I go, which way do I go?

He slurs his way through the word “say,” instead pronouncing it like shay.

He’s incapable of correctly pronouncing “photographer.” How Biden manages to flip-flop vowels and magically add consonants is verbal jiu-jitsu in its highest form.

He has obvious trouble completing the sentence, “Don’t make a li…” I guess catching Freudian slips must be the only part of his brain that is still hitting on all cylinders.

The supposed line, “Dog-faced lyin’ pony soldier” is in no John Wayne movie… ever. By the way, who in the hell is a Jzhaahn Wayne?

Lastly, for a guy who is supposedly a staunch Irish-Catholic (never mind that his surname and middle names are traced back to hard-core English blue-blooded Protestants, as well as consistently violating even the basics of the Church), what in the world could possibly possess him to invoke the British monarchy before not knowing which direction he should exit the stage?

Judge Aileen Cannon: Get Ready for the ‘SHE’S A TRUMP APPOINTED JUDGE!’ Lie

Personally, I have the distinct impression that the presiding judge in the latest farce brought against President Trump is going to throw the whole thing out. Continue reading Judge Aileen Cannon: Get Ready for the ‘SHE’S A TRUMP APPOINTED JUDGE!’ Lie

(VIDEO) Joe Strikes Again; Trans-Pacific Railway to be Built ‘All the Way Across the Indian Ocean’

Riden’ with Biden…

There’s an I-95 overpass in Pennsylvania that the Democrats have already admitted that it will take “several months” to repair. Continue reading (VIDEO) Joe Strikes Again; Trans-Pacific Railway to be Built ‘All the Way Across the Indian Ocean’

Roll Call By Name Votes: RINOs Keep Adam Schiff in Office

The GOP had the votes to HAMMER Schiff, but…

We all remember Adam Schiff literally lying to the American people in regard to him having evidence against President Trump in the proven-fake Russian Collussion scandal.

It took a newly elected member of the House of Representatives to figuratively have the ‘nads to actually do something about it. Continue reading Roll Call By Name Votes: RINOs Keep Adam Schiff in Office

(VIDEO) Did Biden Just Admit to Having Stolen Classified Documents from 49-Years Ago?

Go back to sleep, Joe.

During his entire professional career, Joe Biden has lived off the taxpayer teat. Well, there was one year that he worked for a private law firm, but the essential truth is that Biden has been sucking off of the taxpayers for the past 53-years. Continue reading (VIDEO) Did Biden Just Admit to Having Stolen Classified Documents from 49-Years Ago?

Aussie TV’s Rita Panahi: ‘His Son Did Not Die in Iraq, and Should Stop Lying About It’

“This man belongs in a nursing home, not the White House.” – Rita Panahi.

If you’re unfamiliar with Rita Panahi of Sky News Australia, do yourself a favor… subscribe to her Youtube channel. Continue reading Aussie TV’s Rita Panahi: ‘His Son Did Not Die in Iraq, and Should Stop Lying About It’

Busting the Leftist Myth of a ‘Violent America’

Led by retired ROK (Republic of Korea) Marines, law abiding (new) Americans take a stand.

To listen to the Alphabet Networks and the mini-Hitlers calling the shots at Biden’s Propagandabüro der Demokratischen Partei, one would think that the United States is easily one of the highest violence nations on the face of the Earth.

Well… not so fast. Continue reading Busting the Leftist Myth of a ‘Violent America’

Banana Republic of America? Only if this 2012 Federal Ruling is Ignored

Even though my gut tells my that our beloved nation is WAAAAAAAY beyond the tipping point, my heart want to believe that there’s still sukoshi hope for America.

Case in point: Remember back in 2009 the famed “Bill Clinton Tapes”? GQ magazine reported that Bill Clinton “squirreled away the cassettes in his sock drawer and has never spoken of them nor made them public.”

The conservative-leaning JudicialWatch.org took Bubba to court over said tapes, believing they should be turned over to the NARA (National Archives and Records Administration), “seeking declaration that audiotapes created by former president and historian were presidential records under the Presidential Records Act (PRA) and for order compelling NARA to assume custody and control of the tapes and deposit them in presidential library” according to the court documents themselves.

Here’s just a bit more background – the judge in this particular case was US District Court Judge District Court, Amy Berman Jackson. JMHO, but this chick is more than screamingly partisan favoring everything Democrat.

The killing of Lady Justice.

Just a few examples:

  • She’s the one who dismissed the wrongful death lawsuit against Hillary Clinton on behalf of some of the parents who lost family members in the terrorist attacks in Benghazi.
  • She was the presiding judge against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates in the fraudulent Russia-Gate case.
  • In a separate case, she presided over the equally fraudulent Roger Stone case. She sentenced Stone to 40 months in prison along with a fine of $20,000.

Ahh, but how time and changes things.

As cited in her own court records, when it comes to Clintons fighting against Judicial Watch;

The PRA [Presidential Records Act] does not confer any mandatory or even discretionary authority on the Archivist to classify records. Under the statute, this responsibility is left solely to the President.

Please keep in mind that no one ever took her ruling to be appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit or directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.

As of this moment in time, Jackson’s ruling is the law of the land.

Isn’t that interesting?

I guess I’ll wait until 3pm next Tuesday to see if this case will be thrown out, or if there really is a two-tiered rule of law here in the good ol’ US of A.