By now, everyone knows of Kamala’s melt-down in regard to the state of Florida’s public schools’ Social Studies programs. Continue reading (VIDEO) Kamala Screams About Slavery, Just Ignore her Slave Owning Ancestor
By now, everyone knows of Kamala’s melt-down in regard to the state of Florida’s public schools’ Social Studies programs. Continue reading (VIDEO) Kamala Screams About Slavery, Just Ignore her Slave Owning Ancestor
When Candace Owens opens fire, it’s usually what we in the military would call The Mad Minute.
In other words, you open up with everything you’ve got. The .50 cals, the M-60s, the SAWs, M-16s, pistols, rocks, sharp sticks, harsh language… when I said everything, I mean everything. Continue reading ‘So They Can Make it Look Like Black Men Aren’t as Murderous as They Actually Are’ – Candace Owens
She’s at it again. Ex-governor of South Carolina and ex-ambassador to the Useless Nations spoke today at the Lincoln Dinner in Iowa. Continue reading (VIDEO) Nikki Haley AGAIN Lies About Her Husband Being ‘Combat Veteran’
Seriously… how much more do we need to see of these fossil fools leading us into World War III? Continue reading (VIDEO) ‘Just Say Aye’; How Much More Do You Need to See?
The Biden Administration has made federal the directive that ALL new cars and trucks must have the average MPG at an eye-popping 49 miles per gallon, as reported by the cheerleaders at CNN;
The 49 mpg standard, a roughly 33% improvement from the current average of 36 mpg, applies to cars and light trucks, such as pickups and SUVs, in model year 2026, which will start hitting showrooms in late 2025.
However, if someone other than Joe Biden is elected president in 2024, that individual can always cancel this particular directive.
But even if a new president cancels this specific Executive Order, a total of 13 states and the District of Columbia have adopted California’s zero-emissions laws and mandates, as noted by Green Car Reports.
Here are the offending dipshits;
Whether federally mandated or on the state level, whoever is responsible for these patently moronic ideas needs to be horsewhipped, for no other reason than for being so stupid, it actually must hurt.
After all, everyone knows that oil is bad, right?
Think about it… the automobile manufacturers don’t exactly have a lot of options when forced to find materials lighter than steel or aluminum to actually construct these vehicles, right?
Newsflash: — Anything short of plywood or laminated cardboard is spelled p-l-a-s-t-i-c.
You know, that 20th Century miracle of science that starts out as oowie-gooie petroleum but can be made into damn anything… right?
But that’s just the car body in focus right now. Of course, no one would build an all plastic car other than a LEGO, but if you think that cars now in 2023 are little more than the fevered dreams of Beta Males everywhere, wait until 20206 hits.
The autos of the near future very well could be little more than glorified lawnmower engines with reinforced plastic doors, quarter-panels, fenders, roofs…. maybe even a super-plasticized chassis and tranny?
As I’ve already noted, to cut back on using evil oil, we’re going to have to rely on evil oil.
One other thing, has anyone given a lick of thought to the tires?
From what I’ve read on the everything-tires website TireOutlet.com, in general, tires are a mere 32 percent real rubber.
So, what’s the rest of the tire consist of?
A touch of steel wire reinforcment, but essentially, the remaining two-thirds of what it makes to produce car tires are… wait for it… petroleum-based products.
I may not be an insurance adjustor, but with auto engineers seeking to replace steel with just about anything lighter, I can’t help but wonder what the death rates will look like when we’re all scooting around at 70 MPH in souped-up go-carts?
Maybe they’ll throw in a 150-pound battery to improve the MPG. But wait, a giant battery will worsen the MPG, right?
And isn’t that electricity mostly from power sources that rely on fossil fuels?
Golly, get the feeling that this who idea is just a slow-motion train wreck?
Be it known that I have a world of respect for Monica Showalter of The American Thinker. But unlike Lefties, it really is OK for us to disagree with our fellow conservatives. Continue reading (VIDEO) The Time for Term Limits is NOW; Democrats Aren’t Alone, Mitch McConnell’s Vapor Lock
“That’s 100 empty chairs around the kitchen table.” That’s a pretty big family.
The Wizard of Odd has done it, yet again. He lying to the American people with a straight face. The truly scary part is this – at least one-fourth of the American electorate will still vote for this buffoon. Continue reading (VIDEO) The Amazing Bidentini Magically Cures Cancer, Millions Still Dying from Cancer
So, the US Navy is promoting Lisa Marie Franchetti to be the newest Chief of Naval Operations. And yeah, I’ve got a problem with that. Continue reading Navy’s Official Den Mother: What Has She Actually DONE During her Navy Career?
We’ve all heard the political Left try to further destroy both common sense and basic biology with their fanciful explanations of gender dysphoria not being a true mental illness. Continue reading (VIDEO) Transgenders: The Only Reasonable Conclusion I Could Possibly Reach
First things first – thank God that David Berger is no longer the Commandant of the United States Marine Corps. Where Douglas MacArthur failed to kill the Marine Corps back in the late 1940s, David Berger succeeded in the 2020s. Continue reading The US Marine Corps Isn’t as Tough as the Heavies Want You to Believe