From the Annals of the UN: Historic Proof that United Nations Resolutions Aren’t Worth the Paper They’re Written On

Without fail, there are certain people here in the United States that are under the impression that the United Nations somehow supersedes our Constitution.

Long story short, it doesn’t. Any given pronouncement or proclamation by the UN simply isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

The ONLY TIME (and I can’t emphasize this enough), the ONLY TIME so-called “international law” might be seen as legitimate by the people of the United States is if the President presents a proposed treaty to the US Senate, and they vote to either authorize or reject… just like the Constitution says.

Why so many people pissed themselves in glee over Nikki Haley being named a few years back as our ambassador to the UN is beyond me. Must have been RINOs.

Anyhow, I for one have pretty much had it with all the UN apologists bringing up the Korean War as a prime example of “how well the UN works.” Obviously, I have a different definition of “works” than the UN cheerleaders.

Keep in mind that the UN so-called “authorization” of military force to be used against North Korea was on July 7, 1950, US Eastern Standard Time. But due to the time differences, the same UN pronouncement was on July 8, 1950, Korean Standard Time.

Naval History and Heritage Command, an official website for the US Navy, notes that the US Navy, the British Royal Navy, the US Air Force, and the US Army were all involved in combat operations days before the United Nations went through the motions of fraudulently “authorizing” combat against North Korea;

    • Aircraft Carriers USS Valley Forge and HMS Triumph headed for the Yellow Sea to conduct strikes into North Korea from the west, scheduled for 3 July.
    • On 2 June 1950, USS Juneau, HMS Jamaica, and HMS Black Swan were operating off the east coast of South Korea, not far south of the 38th Parallel, preparing to bombard NKPA (North Korean People’s Army) ground forces moving south. At 0615, Black Swan sighted a North Korean convoy that had delivered ammunition and was already heading north. The convoy consisted of 10 motor trawlers used to transport ammunition, escorted by four torpedo boats and two motor gunboats.
    • As the UN force closed to engage, the North Korean PT-boats turned to attack and charged. The cruisers opened fire at 11,000 yards and, by the time the range closed to 4,000 yards, PT No. 24 was already sunk, PT No. 22 was dead in the water, PT No. 23 was trying to reach the beach, and PT No. 21 was fleeing northward. When the engagement was over, three of the four PT-boats and both motor gunboats had been sunk. Jamaica took two North Koreans prisoner. The UN force suffered no casualties. North Korean casualties are unknown, but included most of the crews of the five sunken boats. The 10 ammunition trawlers escaped, but were later hunted down and destroyed by Juneau some days later. [Interesting that the US Navy references “the UN force” even though there wasn’t one at the date cited.]
    • In the early morning of 3 July 1950, while operating in the Yellow Sea, HMS Triumph launched 12 Firefly fighter-bombers and nine Seafire fighters armed with rockets to attack the North Korean airfield at Haeju, 65 miles south of Pyongyang. Shortly thereafter, Valley Forge launched 16 Corsairs and 12 Skyraiders for a strike on airfields and other targets in and around Pyongyang. Last to launch were eight Panther jet fighters, which—due to their significantly greater speed—arrived over the targets before the Corsair/Skyraider strike.
    • Air Force fighters, including F-80 Shooting Star straight-wing jets, defended the transport flights and fought off attacking North Korean aircraft. An F-82 Twin Mustang scored the first air-to-air kill of the war [June 27th, 1950].
    • On 27 June, six U.S. fighters shot down seven North Korean aircraft over Kimpo airfield, ROK (which fell the next day to NKPA troops).
    • On 28 June, twenty B-26 bombers then bombed railroad yards and lines between the 38th parallel and Seoul; one badly damaged B-26 crashed on landing, killing all aboard. Additional North Korean aircraft were shot down.
    • On 29 June, 18 USAF B-26s bombed Heijo airfield near the North Korean capital of Pyongyang, destroying about 25 aircraft on the ground. U.S. Air Force fighters shot down five more North Korean fighters, and gunners on a B-29 four-engine bomber shot down another.
    • Also on 1 July, the lead elements of the U.S. 24th Infantry Division were airlifted into South Korea, and other elements followed by sea, some in Japanese-manned LSTs and many others in hastily chartered Japanese shipping.

    Yet another official US Navy website notes that US Marines were also in the fight prior to the UN’s faux resolution;

    The outbreak of the Korean War expedited production, with VFs 51 and 52 the first to see combat in July 1950, operating from the deck of USS Valley Forge (CV-45). At the same time, Marine Fighting Squadrons (VMF) 115 and 311 arrived in Korea.

    Both Navy and Marine F9F squadrons were employed primarily in strike roles, though Navy Panther pilots achieved aerial victories against several North Korean and Chinese aircraft, the first of which occurred on 3 July 1950.

    The official websites of the Royal Australian War Memorial cites a painting of RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) P-51 Mustangs escorting US Air Force bombers attacking North Korea, six-days before the UN “authorized” military force in Korea.

    RAAF’s first operation over North Korea, 2 July 1950, by Robert Taylor. (Courtesy Royal Australian War Memorial.)

    Furthermore, the official website for the Australian Department of Veterans’ Affairs also cites;

  • Sunday 2 July
  • RAAF first combat mission

    Australian No 77 Squadron, RAAF, flies first combat mission over Korea.

In true ANZAC tradition, the Kiwis were also committed to fighting the godless Communists well before the UN made a lot of noise, signifying nothing.

HMNZS Pukaki.

The everything naval history website notes that on June 25, 1950, the HMNZS Pukaki was “Placed at the disposal of the UN Forces in Korea.” Interesting in light that there were no “UN Forces in Korea” on that particular date. also notes an equally curious history of HMNZS Tutira;

June 29th – During return passage to Auckland from Fiji nominated with sister ship HMNZS PUKAKI for service with United Nations naval Task Group as part of New Zealand Government response to the United Nations request for member states to provide forces to assist the South Korean Republic against the invasion by North Korea.

Again, there was no “United National naval Task Group” as of that specific date.

But with all that aside, isn’t it interesting that the United States, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand either committed themselves or actually opened fire way before United Nations Security Council Resolution 84?

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