(VIDEO) How the Everyday Americans Can Help Bring-Down the Biden Crime Family

For just a second, I ask you to step outside of your “I’m and American” bubble.

If I were to ask you which Third World shithole country had its dictator arrest not only his main political opponent, but also the guy who had all the inside info on said dictator’s family selling-out their own nation… which nation would you say this is?

Haiti, Venezuela, Moldova, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan? No, nowhere nearly as exotic as any of those dung heaps. How about right here in the good ol’ US of A?

We all know that Biden’s DoJ has already arrested and charged President Trump on patently bullshit charges. Just yesterday we found out that the DoJ has arrested Dr. Gal Loft, the joint US-Israeli citizen who is also the executive director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security and cofounder of the Set America Free Coalition.

In the tweet below, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), who is also the House Oversight Committee Chairman, stated nearly a week ago that Dr. Luft is the smoking gun nailing down the Biden Crime Family.

Amazingly, yesterday, Biden’s DoJ arrested Dr. Luft.

As usual, the Leftie Deep Media is doing everything in their power to gaslight the American people. Here are just a few headlines;

Huffington Post – Jamie Raskin Rips Republicans For Hyping ‘Con Man’ Gal Luft

USA Today – US says missing GOP whistleblower is arms trafficker, Chinese agent

New York Magazine – GOP’s Bombshell Anti-Biden Witness Has a Wee Credibility Problem

Did you notice that Huff Po rips Luft as a “con man”? How about USA Today already convicting Luft as an “arms trafficker” and “Chinese agent”? NY Mag brands him as having a “credibility problem.”

So much for an objective and honest media.

Anyhow, here’s Dr. Luft’s GiveSendGo site. After all, fighting Merrick Garland and Biden’s Department of Justice ain’t gonna be cheap.

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