Not a Third-World Country; Jan. 6 Political Prisoner STILL Hasn’t Been Tried, Five-Months in Solitary Confinement in a Closet

It wasn’t all that long ago that I viewed EVERY conspiracy with a jaundiced eye, even the pro-Trump theories.

Suffice it to say that I like being lied to almost as much as I can’t stand fellow Trump supporters fully expecting me to believe in every single conspiracy theory floated.

But in light that just so many of the alleged conspiracy theories concerning President Trump have proven to be factual, maybe I should start accepting them at face value. After all, the Deep State isn’t even trying to hide their totalitarian and despotic moves more befitting of a Third-World dictatorship.

Case in point would be the article published by reporter Jim Hoft of Now, I’ll call out Hoft for failing to cite any factual information proving his case.

With the exceptions of one citation for a fundraiser for Ryan Samsel (who is the main topic of Hoft’s article), and three separate citations for the ACLU, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch, the only other citation was for a factual bio of Ryan Samsel (from

I will give credit to both Hoft and the folks over at American Gulag… the mini-bio of Samsel is up-front and to the point. Samsel is no angel.

But Samsel isn’t rotting in a so-call “prison cell” (closer to a mop closet) for past crimes – he’s been locked-up for nearly three years WITHOUT TRIAL because he was an active participant in the Jan. 6th riots.

So much for that whole VI Amendment speedy trial nonsense, huh?

Scary thugette.

But with all that aside, most of what Hoft advocates, he posts no proof of. No copy of the visitor’s log proving he actually visited Samsel; no photo of Hoft actually with Samsel… all I have is to take Hoft’s word for it.

Given the state of Biden’s America, I’m willing to give Hoft the benefit of the doubt.

Here’re just a few of the highlights of Hoft’s piece from (emphasis mine);

A NATIONAL DISGRACE: Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – Tortured 5 Months in Isolation in a Closet Room with Light on and a Bucket for a Toilet — Where are the ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch?”

“January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021.”

“During his two-and-a-half years without trial Ryan has been moved around to 17 different facilities. Ryan has been beaten, abused, tortured, and neglected since his arrest in January 2021.”

“Earlier this week The Gateway Pundit received exclusive photos from Ryan Samsel’s prison cell at the FDC in Philadelphia. The cell was a size of a closet with a light on all of the time. The cell had a thin blue mattress, no sheets or blankets, no clothing, and he was kept here for five months straight.”

“The photos are just shocking. This is taking place in America today. This is who we are.”

“Ryan told The Gateway Pundit in a conversation this week, “I was kept in … a hard cell. And in that particular cell about five, six months. I even told you what was happening is the judge was actually calling, trying to get in contact with me because I wasn’t in a named cell. They were missing me and they were saying I wasn’t showing up to court. They were saying I wasn’t showing up to medical. But they were pretty much keeping me in there… Like I said, it was cold, the light was on, there’s zero window. And that followed me from Virginia. When I was in Virginia, it was the same exact conditions.”

As Hoft rhetorically asks at the end of his article

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