For those of us who’ve ever lived anywhere near an Indian Reservation, we know that breaking the law, even a speeding ticket, is quite different from violating the law on non-tribal land.
After all, federally recognized reservations essentially are quasi-independent nation states. But don’t tell any of that to the smelly hippies who call themselves “Seven Circles.”
But I gotta tell ya, the best part of the below videos are, of course, the Tribal Rangers smashing through said hippies ad hoc barricade on tribal land, then arresting the Great Unwashed… coming in a close second is knowing that (for the most part) Seven Circles did little more than keeping a ton of well-heeled liberals from showing up in time to the notoriously leftie-friendly Burning Man festival held annually in the north-central Nevada desert.
Brandishing signs reading “De-growth Now,” “Abolish Capitalism,” “General Strike for Climate,” and “Burners of the World Unite” along with a trailer frame, as seen in the videos, Seven Circles had traffic backed-up for miles.
As it turns out, not everyone was having to deal with these harebrains blocking the road were Burning Man fans. Noted in the second video, at least two members of the Paiute Tribe where just trying to live their lives. As one man was heard, “I’m just trying to go to work.”
Long story short, it was fairly obvious that the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation (PLPR) Rangers were having none of it.
By the way, if you’d like to contact either the PLPR Rangers or the PLPR Tribal Court (or both), here are their email addresses; plrangers@plpt.nsn.us, tribalcourt@plpt.nsn.us.
I’m also going to stay on top of this in case any of the Rangers end up getting charged. If so, I’ll also post info as needed for any possible legal defense fund.
In the U.S., climate activists tried to block the road leading to the Burning Man festival. pic.twitter.com/KGMzXjhbxL
— Mikhail Kulakov (@mikkulakov) August 28, 2023