Sept. 11, 2023; The Date that the United States Officially Ignored the Terrorist Attacks

The C-i-C is MIA from NYC.

Ever since Sept. 11, 2002, every single Commander-in-Chief paid their respects to the victims of the terrorist attacks at one of three sites;

  • The 9/11 Memorial, New York City, NY
  • The Pentagon, Arlington, VA
  • The Flight 93 National Memorial, Shanksville, PA

This year, the puppet C-i-C will be well over 3,000 miles from any of those official memorial sites.

Before the Lefties point out that the VEEP and the SecDef were present at the NY Memorial as well as the Pentagon, neither is the Commander-in-Chief. There is no “Assistant Commander-in-Chief.”

But in all fairness, few actually believe that Joe Biden actually gives a damn for dead people not named Biden.

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