(VIDEP) US Media Yawns; Rita Panahi of Sky News Australia Tells Disgusting (and Possibly CRIMINAL) Story of Jazz Jennings

My all-time favorite newscaster from Down Under is the one I have to go to in order to find out what’s happening in the United States.

But first, some of the back story.

Just about everyone is at least aware of the reality TV series “I am Jazz.” In a news article from Sky News Australia (via MSN.com), Sky News anchor Rita Panahi brings to light some fairly disturbing info on the titular character (emphasis mine);

“The 22-year-old’s transition journey was chronicled in a hit reality TV series, ‘I Am Jazz’, covering the child’s life, family, and gender-affirming procedures, including puberty blockers and eventual gender-affirming surgeries.”

“Science documentary maker Malcolm Clark says most people have “just accepted” the story of Jazz Jennings through America’s mainstream media representation of the transgender reality star.”

“The point is Jazz Jennings is a boy, was a boy and is a man but the mainstream media convinced us that this boy was a girl,” Mr Clark told Sky News host Rita Panahi.”

“When you go back and look at the original footage, you’re amazed at how much we’re being deluded by her parents.”

It’s already old news that most are already aware that Jennings has his “gender reassignment surgery” as a minor (four months shy of his 18th birthday).

It’s also widely known that Jennings mother (publicly identified only as Jeanette) has taken heat for rushing her son to get castrated and hacking off his penis.

In the video below, Jeanette speaks quite openly of her son’s faux vagina resealing itself. After all, that hole in Jazz’s lower torso isn’t really a vagina… it’s just a hole in Jazz’s lower torso.

Jeanette also speaks quite openly (video below) of lubricating a “dialator” and then threatening her son “Here, you take this and you put it in your vagina. If not, I will.”

What exactly is a “dialator”? I can’t help but to assume she means a dildo.

Little known fun fact – The esteemed folks at the Mayo Clinic note that in order to actually create a vagina, “skin can be taken from another area of the body or tissue from the colon may be used to create the vagina.”

Hmmm… so parts of your asshole are going to be used to make your new cootch? Color me skeptical.

I may not be a lawyer, but isn’t threatening someone to violate their person with ANY foreign object considered rape?

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