‘Colonizers’? Hey Hamas, Guess Who the REAL Colonizers are

Muslim conversion teams take to their 10-speeds, sporting their iconic white shirts, black pants and black tie as they go door-to-door seeking to gain converts. No… wait. Those are 7th Century heavily armed Mohammedans telling Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and pagans to convert or die.

I’ve been researching for some time now who exactly were the first civilized, had a real culture, no doubt about it, original people to inhabit what is now the boundaries of the State of Israel. No hunter/gatherers, if you please.

Without going down the rabbit holes of archeology, anthropology, DNA testing, haplogroups, etc., the catch-all word for everyone who lived in the region were generically known as the Canaanites, who can be traced back to the late 2nd millennium BC.

Among the many tribes (city-states) in the region, the Jews were the largest. Examples include the Kingdom of Israel, the Kingdom of Judah, the Kingdom of Moab, etc.

Even during the Babylonian Captivity, Egyptian slavery, the Roman and Byzantine scattering the Tribes of Israel, even during those periods, there was always a Jewish population in the Holy Land.

In fact, since the birth of Christ in the 1st Century until Mohammed’s armies invaded Jerusalem, the two largest religious groups vacillated with time between the Christians and the Jews. Of course, there was a small population of Persian Zoroastrians as well as an even smaller minority of pagan believers.

But now we come to the heart of the matter. It was in 638 AD that the armies of Mohammed invaded. After defeating the locals, the Arabs started… wait for it… colonizing the Holy Land.

Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of the people living there (pre-Islam) were all ethnically Jews. The present-day “Palestinians” identify themselves ethnically as “Arabs”. You know, the Arabian Peninsula. Mostly comprised of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

So, to the pro-Hamas mobs, I ask: Who exactly were the ones who’ve colonized the region for the longest? The Jews for 75 years, or the Arab-Muslims for 13 centuries?

While I’m at it, when will I get my reparations check from Italy? After all, the Roman Empire took an awful lot of my people as slaves when Rome ruled Germania Superior.

In the video below, most of these people are so stupid it must hurt.