What the Left Hates, and Why Conservatives Should Be Proud of All That

According to the Left, there are certain phrases and buzzwords that they’re trying their best to gaslight the rest of us into believing are derogatory of we conservatives. 

To paraphrase the immortal words of Inigo Montoya, “You keep using those words, I do not think they means what you think they mean.”

Just a few examples;

  1. Nationalist
  2. Populist
  3. Individualist
  4. Protectionist
  5. Xenophobic
Where do I sign up? A group hivemind never looked so good.

Now let’s flip each of those of their true meanings, and more importantly, why they aren’t the scary words the left wants you to think they are;

The opposite of Nationalist is Globalist. OK, so there’s that.

Populist means nothing more than someone who is in favor of the people. Whereas a Leftie populist wants to help the people by throwing other people’s money at them, the conservative populist just wants help the people by getting government the hell out of the way.

Flipping Individualist around, there’s the Group Hivemind. With the obvious exception of Seven of Nine, who would ever want to be part of a group hivemind?

Then we come to Protectionist. The other side of the coin would be the Militant Laissez-Faire proponent. Bottom line, the Protectionist cares about the American worker. The Militant Laissez-Faire folks don’t care if their $150 Nike’s are made by Chinese slave labor.

Good news: Smokin’ Guamanian beauty. Bad news: I’m related to her.

My personal favorite, Xenophobist. In light that the United States is made up of every race, religion and creed on the planet, the tag of Xenophobe is simply laughable.

Case in point: I happen to be cousins with Kim Santos. She won the Miss World competition (British equivalent to Miss Universe) representing the US territory of Guam. Like me and my family, Kim and her family now live in North Carolina where she’s a guardian ad litem, protecting at-risk kids in the state’s foster system.

Just in case for those that are unfamiliar with Guam and Guamanians, the native people are mostly of Chamorro blood with a heavy dose of Spanish. Many (if not most) Guamanians also have a healthy dash of Haole (white state-sider mix of Irish, German, Italian, etc, bloodlines), maybe even a splash of Japanese and/or Polynesian and/or Latino is actually pretty common.

So much for all those xenophobic Right-wingers.