The Left continues to demand that homosexuality be considered normal and natural, even though there’s absolutely nothing natural or normal regarding active homosexuality.
The Left also continues to demand that artificial abortion be considered normal and natural, even though there’s absolutely nothing natural or normal regarding artificial abortion.
The Left has convinced at least a large percentage of the youth that trans-sexualism be considered normal and natural, even though there’s absolutely nothing natural or normal regarding trans-sexualism.
We’re way past the turning point of when things like a belief in God, patriotism, and self-sufficiency were things we held dear. Now they’re the punchline.

Not content with their current destruction of Western Civilization, I’m sure I’m not the only one who sees the Left slouch even closer to Gomorrah.
Pedophiles are no longer the sexual deviants who prey on children; they’ve been resurrected as MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons). How nice.
Sad to know that pedos can’t be known simply as “The former (insert name here).
Bestiality is now called Zoophilia (Greek for “Lover of animals“). On formal occasions, these pathetic wretches like to refer to themselves as Hetero-speciesists.
Even in the once prestigious ScientificAmerican.com, a university professor (of course) argues in wholehearted approval of having sexual relations with various barnyard animals. The question of consent was boiled down to “After all, we are animals.” How erudite.
Lastly, the Left’s destigmatizing the disgusting act of incest. By their own logic, “What happens to two consenting adults behind closed doors is their business.”
It’s no small stretch that under those guidelines, whenever two (or more?) individuals are playing a rousing game of ‘Bung the Barrell’ do in one sweaty, greasy, undulating mass of Bacchanalian debauchery.
Why not grandma and daughter… father and son? As long as everyone is over 18, by the Left’s own mantra, that’s “their business.”
In fact, I can’t see any objection the Left would have to brother, brother, mother and Fido.
Yes, they really are that depraved.