By the way, pollsters usually break down who is polled by three categories:
Registered voters
Likely voters
Of the three, it’s well known among pollsters that the best way to gauge how actual voters would realistically cast their ballots would be to ask only those who are factually “likely voters”.
EMC Research conducted the poll, which surveyed 500 likely voters in a mix of online and telephone interviews. The poll ran from Jan. 17 to 21 and has a margin of error of 4.4%.
“Our Citybeat poll shows that San Franciscans are frustrated but ready to take real action on solving our most challenging issues by supporting policies that make it easier to do business and increase public safety,” Chamber of Commerce CEO Rodney Fong said in a statement. “From reducing burdensome taxes to supporting common sense public safety reforms, San Franciscans spoke loudly that they want real policy solutions from City Hall.”
In the shadow of City Hall.
Reporter Li also cites some rather eye-raising specifics of the poll;
61% of the city’s residents said they felt safe visiting downtown during the day, but only 34% said they felt safe at night
69% felt crime has gotten worse
84% of respondents said they support offering financial incentives for small businesses to stay or move downtown
81% supported the same for large businesses
71% supported tax incentives to help businesses move into vacant ground floor spaces
61% of respondents said they supported both Prop. E, as well as Prop. F
Just so the readers are aware, “Prop E would allow police to use drones and cameras along with new surveillance tech. Prop F would require drug screening and treatment for adults receiving cash welfare assistance from the county and struggling with addiction.”
The margin of error is ± 4.4 percent, but these numbers are so overwhelmingly one-sided that the margin of error is meaningless.
After years and years of one of the most left-wing cities in America getting exactly what it voted for in the form of violent crime, filthy streets, drugs everywhere, and a vacant downtown caused by all three — along with insanely high taxes — these dummies appear to have woken up.
After citing the polls numbers, Note hilariously points out to the clowns governing what was once one of the most beautiful cities in the entire world;
I guess we’re all MAGAtards now.
It’s that last number that blows my mind. Never could I imagine a city as far-left as San Francisco demanding drug testing for welfare recipients. But that’s a big part of the city’s problem. The government is funding junkies to remain junkies. Why leave a city where your habit is subsidized by taxpayers, where you can open a tent on the streets, where you can brazenly shoplift $900 worth of stuff every day and never see the inside of a jail cell?