Lefturds and RINOs Again Fail to Look More Than One Step Beyond Their Knee-Jerk Reaction to Trump

It’s called “Not whoring out America.” 

President Trump has again said the quiet part out loud… and the Lefties and the Establishment GOP are uber-pissed.

As he correctly stated in a recent stump speech in regard to certain NATO nations who habitually don’t pay the same amount agreed upon a full decade ago (see video below);

“I said: ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”

Of course, the Leftie Media just lost their collective shit. Below are just two headlines, one from CNN, the other from NBC;

Trump says he would encourage Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough

Trump says he’d let Russia do ‘whatever the hell they want’ to NATO countries that don’t pay enough

Other than having nearly the same exact word-for-word headline, did anyone else notice that both left the word “Russia” out of their quotation marks? That’s because Trump never said the word “Russia”.

Personally, I’m of the opinion that NATO has outlived its usefulness. After all, the USSR fell well over 30-years ago. We should have de-ratified this waste of time and treasure back in the 1990s.

I’m also of the opinion that American troops shouldn’t fight and die for the likes of Germany, Italy, Spain, France, etc., if they refuse to even kick-in the bare minimum. That’s right, not a single drop of American blood should be spilled for these glorified welfare queens.

But getting back to the question of what exactly the fare share is, here we go… the exact words used in the 2014 Wales Summit Declaration. This is what was agreed to by every single member nation (emphasis mine);

  • Allies currently meeting the NATO guideline to spend a minimum of 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on defence will aim to continue to do so. Likewise, Allies spending more than 20% of their defence budgets on major equipment, including related Research & Development, will continue to do so.
  • Allies whose current proportion of GDP spent on defence is below this level will:
    • halt any decline in defence expenditure;
    • aim to increase defence expenditure in real terms as GDP grows;
    • aim to move towards the 2% guideline within a decade with a view to meeting their NATO Capability Targets and filling NATO’s capability shortfalls.

In case you missed the date of the Wales Declaration, it was a decade ago.

Directly below is a graph from the same illustrating that only eleven out of 30 member nations are actually contributed to the same mutual defense alliance they agreed to ten years ago;

Of course, Joe Biden and Nikki Haley vilify Pres. Trump for his comments (as seen in the videos below).

I can’t help but get the impression that these two have zero problem sending our kids and grandkids to bleed and die in someone else’s fight.