Actually, Pretty Simple – Fascism: What it REALLY is

I can almost hear Oprah already: “You’re a fascist, you’re a fascist, everyone’s a fascist!”

Yes, both sides continually scream at the other side accusing them of being fascists. Sadly, both sides are just choke-fulla folks that really don’t know what that particular word actually means.

There are in reality, two different types of fascism;

  1. Political fascism
  2. Economic fascism

As much as gubmint skoolz demand we believe that fascism is some how “right-wing,” it ain’t.

Just because fascists and communists hate each other, that doesn’t make them polar opposites. The two are more like feuding brothers.

Those of us on the right fully understand that by definition, the further one goes right, the more they demand less government.

Obviously, those on the left demand more and more government the further left they go.

All three nations the United States declared war upon during the Second World War were all hard-core political totalitarians. In other words, they were all hard-core political lefties.

It’s simply impossible for a true right-winger to adhere to political totalitarianism. Agan, the further to the right, the less amount of government.

That’s right… Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, all were in favor of total government control.

With all that said, political fascism is the absolute and total government control of every single aspect of life in the political sphere.

Now we come to economic fascism.

Many on the left will correctly state that there were certainly more than a few millionaires working for Krupp Steel, Beretta Arms, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries during the war years.

The fascist governments of Germany, Italy, and Japan most certainly allowed private enterprises to exist, but only if the same government told them what they could produce, who could make what they produce, how they are allowed to produce, and how much of the product you can make.

Golly gee. What nation do you know of that has thousands upon thousands of unelected bureaucrats working for the likes of OSHA, the Wage and Hour Division, and the Risk Management Agency?

Leftist economics are the epitome of Central Control. The same policies as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the Kim dynasty, Castro… all the same leftie economic experiments that end in disaster.

Of course, at the opposite end of the spectrum would be laissez-faire economics. Just me, but I’m not all that thrilled over buying tainted meat that was dyed whatever color to make it look fresh.

But overall, I’d have to say that to the extend our government is intruding into private enterprise certainly could be slashed… a lot.

In fact, there’s a Pat Buchanan quote that I really like; “There’s nothing wrong with capitalism, as long as it’s tempered with Christian morality.”

Even closer to me are two of the Four Sins that Cry to Heaven for Vengeance;

  • Oppression of the poor (Ex 2:23)
  • Defrauding workers of their just wages (Jas 5:4).

That’s right, calls to Heaven for vengeance, not DC.