Mayor Calls for Holding VICTIMS Accountable for Crime-Ridden Hellhole that is St. Louis

Head Mo’-Fo’ of The Lou.

In New York City, a recently honorably discharged Marine, Daniel Penny, comes to the rescue of scared-to-death women and children from a madman. Penny finds himself arrested and charged with manslaughter.

Charged with violating a Public Space Protection Order while standing on the public sidewalk, Caroline Downey was arrested in Birmingham, England, for silently praying outside an abortuary.

District attorneys from coast-to-coast are routinely releasing career criminals, only to continue to rob, assault, rape and murder. Simply reference the recent murder of NYPD officer Jonathan Diller.

Can it get much worse? Yes… yes it can.

Hold on to your hat and don’t try to burst a blood vessel, but it turns out that St. Louis mayor Tishaura Jones told the Black Mayors’ Coalition on Crime that certain victims of crime need to be held “accountable” for crimes committed in or near their premises.

Specifically, she wants to hold small businessmen (mostly franchisees) liable, as they are somehow the prime reasons why criminals ply their trade in the parking lots of various convenience stores and gas stations.

Not exactly a big shocker that the American leftie-media is ignoring this, but it turns out that Alice Wright of Britain’s is bothering to give this some ink (emphasis mine);

“St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones has announced new plans to make convenience store owners more responsible for the crimes committed on or outside their property.” 

Welcome to St. Louis, Gateway to Your Death!

“Mayor Jones, St Louis’ the first black female mayor, told leaders at the Black Mayors’ Coalition on Crime in Memphis that St Louis needs to combat violent crime and theft around convenience stores.” 

“‘We have a lot of violence around convenience stores and gas stations,’ Mayor Jones said on Thursday.”  

“‘So how can we hold those business owners accountable and also bring down crime?’ she asked.”  

Adding: ‘Some of the things we’re already doing, we’re finding that other mayors are doing as well.’ 

“Jones, who has been mayor since 2021, told the other Mayor’s ideas, the details of which are not yet clear, will be adopted from laws in Atlanta, Georgia that make nightclub owners more liable for crimes on or near their property.”

St. Louis Democrat Mayor Tishaura Jones says the solution to city crime is… “holding businesses owners accountable” umm what?!
byu/Charming-Guarantee21 inTimPool