FDNY Honchos Go Full Stalin: ‘Gathering Video and Identifying’ Firefighters who Booed AG James

Comrade James.

Remember, James is trying to jail Trump for paying back a loan on time, with interest, while no one cried foul…

If you really want to know if totalitarians are in charge of where you live, when they don’t try to hide it is a pretty sure sign. Continue reading FDNY Honchos Go Full Stalin: ‘Gathering Video and Identifying’ Firefighters who Booed AG James

Plagiarizin’ with Biden – The Human Roomba Even Steals From Himself – Regurgitates 2022, 2023 SOTU Addresses

Thank you, Dan Bongino! He and his staff have uncovered videos of the 2022 (Pelosi is the Speaker) and 2023 (McCarthy is Speaker) State of the Unions addresses, and the nearly word-for-word sameness for the last three years running is far from mere coincidence. Continue reading Plagiarizin’ with Biden – The Human Roomba Even Steals From Himself – Regurgitates 2022, 2023 SOTU Addresses

SCOTUS Reaction: Colorado Sec of State Goes Full Crazy-Eyes

Full-blown case of TDS. Mostly effecting the optical orbits.

Who’s the REAL “threat to democracy”?

Colorado’s Secretary of State doesn’t seem to understand not only the reason for the SCOTUS, but also the powers of the SCOTUS.

Jena Griswold certainly goes full crazy-eyes as she literally makes herself look less intelligent than the average court fool.

Never mind the quite diverse SCOTUS ruled 9-0 against her.

It never gets old watching Lefties pout. Continue reading SCOTUS Reaction: Colorado Sec of State Goes Full Crazy-Eyes

Stalinism, 2024; Obama Judge Finds Investigative Journalist Catherine Herridge ‘In Contempt’ for Refusing to Reveal Source

Those of us on the Right sure do have it wrong, don’t we? All that, “The Democrats are pushing a whole new Stalinism on our nation” is patently false, huh? Continue reading Stalinism, 2024; Obama Judge Finds Investigative Journalist Catherine Herridge ‘In Contempt’ for Refusing to Reveal Source

Anti-White White Chick Gets her Comeuppance from Every Race

Skank alert.

Between the Press-On nails, the magnetic red-hair dye job, the forearm tattoo that will certainly gain in girth over time, and the size-16 body stuffed into a size-six dress, allow me to stand in complete and total solidarity with my black, Latino East Asian, Indian, and Egyptian brethren. Continue reading Anti-White White Chick Gets her Comeuppance from Every Race