Believe it or not, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan use to be a public defender. Seriously. This is the gal who was supposed to look out for “The little guy,” ensuring every citizen has their rights respected and for those in power to adhere to the rules.
As anyone with even a lick of fairness or objectivity may opine, “What a crock of shit.”
Especially in light that the same Tanya Chutkan isn’t even trying to hide the fact that she’s politically gunning for Trump.
But I’d first like to point out that the New York Times recently ran the headline; “Tanya Chutkan, an Unflinching Judge in the Trump Jan. 6 Trial”
Hmmm… “Unflinching” – is that what it’s called when a judge allows a parking lot’s worth of 18-wheelers to be dropped on you, and the same judge expects you to use your superpowers to simply power-through the deluge of tons and tons of steel that was just dropped on your head.

Is a surprisingly fair report from Eric Tucker of the Associated Press back on Aug. 17, 2023, the Joe Biden Dept. of Justice prosecutorial team, headed-up by Jack Smith, delivered “more than 11.5 million pages” of supposed evidence against Trump. Please keep in mind, Tucker notes, “more than…”
As reporter Tucker cited;
“If we were to print and stack 11.5 million pages of documents, with no gap between pages, at 200 pages per inch, the result would be a tower of paper stretching nearly 5,000 feet into the sky. That is taller than the Washington Monument, stacked on top of itself eight times, with nearly a million pages to spare,” the defense lawyers wrote.
In the meantime, Andrew Goudsward of the Reuters news service (via published that Chutkan “schedule a trial beginning in September or even October…”
I’ll readily admit that a suck at even the most basic of math, but even I can figure out that Judge Chutkan actually expects Trump’s defense team to read approximately 65,000 pages a day.
Each and every day. To include weekends and holidays… 24-hours per day.
Yeah, that’s fair and equitable.