(VIDEO) Joy-less Ried Called Out for Stealing Trump Hairstyle; ‘You Are a F***ing Idiot’

STOP (cultural) THIEF!

Never mind that Scandinavian and Northern Germanic tribes historically tied their hair in very tight braids hundreds of years before various East African tribes did.

But, but, but… ORANGE MAN BAD!

But it’s time to be honest… if any given gal of European lineage were to coif her hair in what has been deemed as “the corn-row style” in public, that same women would find herself verbally (and very possibly physically) attacked for the high crime of “cultural appropriation.”

Amazingly enough, MSNBC shill, Joy Ried, is above that very same Cultural-Marxist dictate.

This phony has mutated from a standard blonde, straight-haired wig, to a full-blown Donald Trump look-a-like rug.

And yes. I understand that Pres. Trump has a comb-over of Biblical proportions. But at least it’s his hair, not someone else’s.