The Deep State Goes Full Hamas Over Trump’s Kangaroo Court

Just like at the end of Orwell’s Animal Farm, the pigs and the humans morphing back and forth to the images of each other looks an awful lot like this Stalin-esque “trial” in Manhattan.

But this time, the cast of characters aren’t fictional talking swine and morally corrupt questionable men who apparently don’t mind the smell of pig shit. This go ’round, it’s the Democrat Party and the Hamas terrorist thugs interchanging images.

For your consideration – when Hamas and their mullah masters in Tehran planned and trained for the Oct. 7th air and land assault on Israel, it’s fairly obvious that both Hamas and the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) knew exactly how Israel would respond.

That would be an immediate, dizzyingly fast, and an extra-violent military response. In other words, they could care less about the people of Gaza.

Mark my words. Once things went south, Hamas’ showed-off their history of having zero problems of introducing their own people to the undercarriage of a flaming bus.

I’ll even go as far as to say that if and when any Gazans are killed in the crossfire, so what? After all, they’re now martyrs for the cause. Must be that “Never let a crisis go to waste…” mantra what was all the rage when Barry and Michael spent eight tears trashing everything decent and clean in this country.

As far as the Jackass Party is concerned, they’ve planned and trained for this kangaroo court to make damn good and sure that Trump would be found guilty.

Much like Hamas, the Dems don’t give a hoot in hell what will happen when conservatives eventually and actually push-back against the likes of Antifa and BLM.

Just as long as they get a very short-lived jab in against Trump.

Si I say to the Deep State Democrats, OK… this is the game you want to play? Then let the cards fall where they may.