Massachusetts Government Now Targeting, Demonizing Pro-Life Centers

Pretty bad when a region of this nation that was once so staunchly pro-life has devolved to this.

Once a stronghold of Catholicism because of all the Irish, Italian, and Portugues immigrants from many years ago, just like Francis’ Deep Church, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is not only non-Catholic, but the Bay State is also openly anti-Catholic.

Massachusetts government has already quite openly stated they’ll be launching a $1 million “investment” to vilify crisis pregnancy centers throughout the commonwealth.

Official government warning in Massachusetts.

As noted by news release (emphasis mine);

The Healey-Driscoll Administration today launched a first-in-the-nation public education campaign highlighting the dangers and potential harm of anti-abortion centers, also called “crisis pregnancy centers.” Anti-abortion centers often look like medical facilities and purport to offer the full spectrum of reproductive health care while, in reality, they often mislead people about their options if they are pregnant and dissuade them from accessing abortions.

The campaign ads, which began running June 10 across Massachusetts in both English and Spanish, amplify how anti-abortion centers provide misinformation about abortion services to prevent people from making an informed choice about their care. The campaign is designed to help people understand their full range of options, directing them to with information about how to recognize anti-abortion centers and where to access unbiased, full-spectrum reproductive health care in Massachusetts.

“In Massachusetts, we are committed to protecting and expanding access to safe and legal abortion,” said Governor Maura Healey. “That includes protecting patients from the deceptive and dangerous tactics that anti-abortion centers often use to stop people from accessing comprehensive reproductive services. This campaign is an important way to provide accurate information so residents can make informed decisions about reproductive care that are right for them.”

“The troubling practices of anti-abortion centers serve to undermine the trust that people should have in our health care system,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “Education and accurate information can help counter the misinformation and unethical tactics these centers use to prey on people at a particularly vulnerable time.”

This public education campaign, which will appear on social media platforms, billboards, radio, and transit, was funded through a $1 million investment that the Massachusetts legislature passed as part of its FY2023 supplemental budget.

Speaking as a Catholic, will the Cardinal in Boston or the bishops and priests across Massachusetts do or say anything of substance? Of course they won’t.

Just like at the end of Animal Farm, the Church clerics and the Massachusetts bureaucrats will be indistinguishable from each other.