Joe’s Replacement? The Professional History of Michelle Obama

Proving that a $10,000 dress can’t hide shit stains… and that crushing your lats and traps pays off.

Lots of talk about America’s Roomba-in-Chief being yanked from the presidential race. Even more talk of who may be selected (by the party bosses, of course) to possibly replace Slow Joe.

California governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, maybe even resurrecting the still-wheezing fetid body of Hillary Clinton. Who knows, right?

Of course, the perfect DEI selection for the Jackass Party would be Michael Michelle Obama.

But first, I have to come clean. Admittedly, it pisses me off when Lefties would say of non-politicians who run for office (like Pres. Trump), “Is he qualified?”

According to the US Constitution, the only qualifications required to be the POTUS would be as follows;

  • Natural born US citizen
  • At least 35-years-old
You see the size of… those hands?

That’s it. It isn’t required that one be a life-long politician. It isn’t required that one be a life-long government bureaucrat. It isn’t required that one be a life-long employee of some tax dollar-sucking NGO.

With all that aside, noting that Michael Michelle Obama’s name is popping up more and more often, I can’t help but ponder what Big Mike’s Mi-chie’s professional resume looks like.

According to the somewhat slanted folks over at, his her professional career is thinner that a public-school kid on the Obama School Starvation Diet.

Here are the lowlights/highlights (depending upon your perspective;


  • Sociology major, minor in African-American studies, Princeton [1985]
  • J.D. from Harvard Law [1988]

Private Industry

  • Junior Associate, law firm of Sidley Austin [1988-1991]
  • Director of community relations and external affairs, Univ. Chicago Hospitals [2002]
  • Corporate Board of Directors of TreeHouse Foods, Inc. (Major supplier to Wal-Mart) [2005-2007]*

Government and Non-Government Organizations

  • Chicago’s assistant commissioner of planning and development [1991]
  • Executive director for Chicago branch of Public Allies (NGO) [1993]
  • University of Chicago as associate dean of student services [1996]
  • Chicago Council on Global Affairs (NGO) [2009]
  • Co-founded Joining Forces program (NGO) [2011]
Hush, now.

I can’t help but to find it at least somewhat curious that failed to note Madam (?) Obama’s tenure at TreeHouse Foods.

After all, it’s not as if TreeHouse Foods just pumps out highly processed, obesity inducing, arterial clogging factory food. Especially factory food that’s marketed mainly at low-income customers and impressionable children, right?

No… wait. Yes, they do.

As noted by *Michelle Malkin of (emphasis mine);

In June 2005, a few months after her husband was elected to the U.S. Senate, Mrs. Obama hustled a seat on the corporate Board of Directors of TreeHouse Foods, Inc. Despite zero experience, the food-processing company put her on its audit and nominating and corporate governance committees. For her on-the-job training and the privilege of putting her name and face on their literature, the company forked over $45,000 in 2005 and $51,200 in 2006 to Mrs. Obama — as well as 7,500 TreeHouse stock options worth more than $72,000 for each year.

But wait, there’s more.

Obama pulled the plug on TreeHouse Foods formally all the paperwork in 2008, making her the “all-too-happy recipient of a Wal-Mart dependent compensation package worth more than $100,000…”

Just me, but I can’t think of anything more padded than this resume, other than a pancake-assed white girl trolling for bros at an NAACP rally.