Leftists Opinion-Maker Fantasizes of America Going Full Totalitarian

No, this isn’t a joke. This isn’t the Babylon Bee. This isn’t The Onion. What this truly is, is a Leftie wish-list of what America should be.

Please keep in mind that the author of this op/ed piece is uber-pissed of the recent SCOTUS decision in relation to the question of presidential immunity.

I just ask that you keep in mind that the same presidential immunity that applied to the following Democrat presidents NEVER to be investigated then tried for the following crimes against humanity. Not exactly a comprehensive list;

  • Andrew Jackson’s forced removal of tens of thousands of American Indians to Oklahoma. Also resulted in thousands of dead along the “Trail of Tears.”
  • Woodrow Wilson’s illegal segregation of federal hiring, specifically aimed at not hiring black-Americans on a massive scale.
  • Franklin Roosevelt’s illegal imprisonment of over 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent.
  • Lyndon Johnson’s open lie concerning the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, resulting in the deaths of nearly 60,000 American servicemen, thousands of allies (ROK, ANZACs, Thai, etc.) and an unknown number of dead Vietnamese, Cambodians and Lao on both sides.
  • Bill Clinton’s weaponization of the Dept. of Justice against the Branch Davidians, resulting on the deaths of 86 US citizens. Of that number, nearly 30 were children.
  • Barack Obama’s weaponization of the IRS. Specifically, targeting conservative political organizations.
  • Joe Biden’s effectively erasing the southern border, allowing an unknown number of avowed terrorists entrance into the United States.

With all that in mind, here’s just a taste of what Sidney Blumenthal of the New Republic fantasizes about (emphasis mine);

I have read the court’s majority opinion that an official act of the president is “presumptively” immune from all prosecution during and after his term, and that the president’s motive cannot be questioned. I have read, according to the majority, that a president who orders the Department of Justice and his vice president to commit election fraud is immune. I have read that a president who incites a mob to attempt to assassinate the vice president for failing to follow those instructions is immune. As Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her dissent, “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”

Fellow Americans, I have taken the court’s opinion to heart. I am not one to defy the court. I am, as many have remarked, an institutionalist. I believe with all my soul in our institutions. And now, following the letter and the spirit of the court’s ruling, I have acted swiftly, decisively, and enthusiastically to enforce it. I will not, I cannot, shirk my constitutional duty. As Justice Sotomayor states, “In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law.”

I regret to inform you that Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has been arrested. A number of other members of the House Republican Conference have been taken into custody. Jim Jordan, unfortunately, attempted to resist arrest. After wrestling with an FBI agent, he met a tragic fate. In the sudden absence of those members, there is a new majority in the House. I look forward to a long and cooperative relationship. I can say proudly, gridlock is at last broken. And we can all give thanks to the Supreme Court.

I further regret to inform you that 10 members of the Republican Senate caucus have been arrested. Again, unfortunately, Josh Hawley attempted to run away and was wounded in the leg. The incident was entirely his fault: if only he had submitted to the authorities. Lindsey Graham was arrested in his office. He has renounced all of his former allegiances, and I have issued him a pardon—a conditional pardon. There will be no more obstruction from filibusters. Again, we can thank the court.

Now, about the court itself, with the present available members of the Congress, I have proposed that the Supreme Court be expanded by 26 justices. I can report that those new justices have already been nominated and approved. Advise and consent is on the fast track. All 26 will be here tomorrow. A longer bench is already under construction.